Chapter 38 🌷

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[Name] was peeling potatoes next to Sumiko, who was talking about how rough the training was for her as [Name] listened silently. "I was repeatedly doing moves, and even Nezuo was getting annoyed. He's so lucky his training was just sleeping." She laughed as an angry huff came from the box sitting next to her.

[Name] patted the box, and the sulking from Nezuo stopped.

Eventually, the curry was made, and it wasn't the best, but [Name] ate it without complaint as Sumiko gave compliments to everyone who had chipped in, despite the fact that she looked quite disappointed.




[Name] slept soundly, and while his other classmates slept messily, [Name] was perfectly still and his futon was neat. However, despite sleeping soundly, [Name] woke up sensing something was wrong but decided to ignore it, thinking it was the curry he had eaten earlier.




Back to training now, [Name] was releasing as many techniques as he could without stopping once one was over and another had already begun. Flowers were scattered everywhere; some even landed in Iida's hair as he shot by.

"Haha! Don't worry, you can play hard after you work hard!" Pixie-Bob encouraged as it reminded [Name] that they would be a doing a test of courage later on.




"Yuri! Help me!" Ashido yelled as she grabbed onto [Name]'s leg as she was being pulled by Aizawa's scarf. [Name] simply stepped out of her hold, as she screamed as she was dragged away.

"Alright. Class B will be the scarers first! Class A will leave in pairs, and there will be tags with your names on them on the way around. Get them and bring them back," Pixie-Bob explained that [Name] sighed due to not finding things like this scary in the slightest.

"Now you'll draw lots to determine your partners!" Pixie-Bob announced this before everyone began drawing and finding their partners. [Name] discovered his partner was Midoriya, and he was relieved to not end up with someone as equally terrified as him.

While waiting, [Name]'s nostrils were invaded by the smell of burning, and it seemed others noticed too, but Pixie-Bob was suddenly dragged back by a force and slammed to the ground by her head as blood began leaking from her head. [Name] turned around as his ears picked up on the scream of Sumiko, and he quickly ran towards the forest, despite the protests of heroes and classmates.

Running through the forest, he felt the branches and leaves as he swiftly ran past them. He became aware of the gas at this point.

The poisonous gas.

[Name] held his breath as he continued running and eventually bumped into two students from Class B.

Tetsutetsu and Kendo exclaimed when they saw the male and rushed up to him, offering him a gas mask. 

[Name] took it with a small thank you before parting ways as he fitted the gas mask over his head. He gasped as he saw Nezuo being held back by Sumiko as he attempted to reach for an unconscious Class B student bleeding from the arm.

"N-Nezuo! Calm down, go to sleep!" Sumiko yelled, but Nezuo kept on struggling and didn't heed her words. Sumiko's eyes travelled to [Name] as hers widened.

"T-Tsuyuri! Please help Nezuo's lost himself!" Sumiko cried as [Name] rushed to the injured student and began bandaging their wounds.

[Name] then kneeled in front of Nezuo, and he struggled more in an attempt to reach out to him. "What usually soothes Nezuo? Song, story, anything that might help?" He asked as it seemed Sumiko remembered something and began to sing a lullaby to Nezuo, and slowly but surely, Nezuo stopped until he burst into tears and shrank into a small child, resting on Sumiko's thigh as she sighed in relief.

"What's going on?" [Name] questioned.

"There are villains everywhere. A woman with white and green hair in provocative clothing made Nezuo flip, and I don't know where she's go-"

Suddenly a voice rang in the trio's mind. 'All students in Classes A and B. Through the permission of Eraser Head, you have permission to engage in combat!'

Suddenly, [Name] grabbed Sumiko, Nezuo, and the unconscious student and dove away to avoid an obi whizzing by intending to pierce through [Name]'s and the others' flesh.

"Oh, you managed to dodge that?" A feminine voice spoke sultry as [Name] looked up see a woman with white to a green ombre at the end of her hair and lime green eyes. She was wearing quite revealing clothing, and engravings were on her eyes reading 'Uppermoon 6'.

"However, right now I'm planning to kill those two brats, and then I'll deal with you, so stay out of my way!" She screeched as [Name] pulled out some of his kunais. He didn't have his sword, as he didn't expect villains and only had some wisteria poison.

"Sumiko. Can you stand?" He asked, and Sumiko nodded.

"Get back to the entrance. My sword is there, as I planned to use it to scare Class B. Bring it back and take the student and Nezuo with you." [Name] whispered.

"What about you? You can't fight her on your own!" Sumiko protested.

"Don't worry. I'll lead her on a wild goose chase; now go! "Take my gas mask because you can't afford to pass out." [Name] threw a kunai and hit the woman's leg, then rushed off as her angry screech was heard as Sumiko grabbed Nezuo and the student and ran towards the entrance of the forest.

"Get back here! You brat!" Uppermoon 6's footsteps got closer as [Name] ran without looking back as he dove and jumped and turned and climbed and slid and ran. Blood pumped through his system at a rapid rate as his gut screamed at the threat behind him.

He could hardly breathe so as not to accidentally breathe in the poisonous gas. However, a traumatic scream echoed throughout the forest, and one [Name] recognised Midoriya from nearby as the woman suddenly stopped.

"So they got him," The woman wanted to attack further, but it seemed something was talking to her in her brain, and she quickly rushed off as [Name] collapsed as sweat poured from his body, either from tiredness or from fear [Name] could not pick.

'Something horrible has happened, Kanae, I know it.'

Tsuyuri-Kun ¦¦ Bnha x KNY!ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant