Chapter 39 💐

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"You're alright, thank goodness!" Sumiko cried as [Name] walked out of the forest escorted by police. "But... Midoriya from your class looks distraught."

[Name] looked over to see Midoriya being put into an ambulance as he looked traumatized. Looking at his other classmates, [Name] noticed one was missing. Bakugo.

"Tsuyuri. Bakugo is missing," Todoroki said as [Name]'s eyes widened ever so slightly at the information.




"[Name]. I will be going to aid in that Bakugo's rescue." Shinobu said as [Name] looked up at the mention of his and his classmates' name.

Nodding [Name] secretly sent a message to his friends about how their mission would become a lot more difficult to sneak around due to Shinobu, but Yaoyorozu replied saying she'd find a way.

"Who are you messaging?" Shinobu peeked around from behind [Name], and he instantly turned off his phone. "Hmm, Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Crush?" [Name] shook his head rapidly as she giggled.




"Tsuyuri. You're here." Todoroki said as [Name] approached him and Kirishima, who were waiting for Midoriya and Yaoyorozu.

The familiar students came walking out of the hospital doors. "Yaoyorozu, what's your decision?" Kirishima asked as Yaoyorozu frowned and began speaking, but the familiar voice of Iida interrupted her.

"Wait! Why... why did it have to be you guys of all people?" Iida's lips trembled with each word spoken. He spoke some more, and Midoriya walked towards him, attempting to comfort him, but ended up getting punched in the face as Todoroki's eyes flared with anger, as did [Name]'s.

"I am the class president. Don't you understand? When I saw you in that bed, I thought of my brother!" Iida cried as he began shaking Midoriya back and forth. "Why do you not understand!?"

"We aren't planning to fight them." [Name] spoke as all turned to him. "Just to rescue Bakugo, and that's it. Do you not trust us?"

Iida fell silent as others began to speak up to reassure him. "Fine. I will accompany you to make sure you don't back out of that promise."

Sitting on the train, [Name] sat next to Yaoyorozu as they discussed plans. "You said your older sister would be there, Tsuyuri."

[Name] nodded. "Yes, she'll find us easily if we aren't careful."

Meanwhile, Iida sat deep in thought.




"Disguises?" Kirishima questioned as Yaoyorozu pointed to a cheap store. [Name] smiled slightly because he knew she just wanted to go into the store because, due to being an extremely wealthy woman, she had probably never been to a place where they sold things as cheaply as this.

Midoriya was dressed similarly to Present Mic, Todoroki was dressed like a male Midnight, Yaoyorozu was in an outfit similar to that of Uwabami, the hero she had interned with, Iida was just dressed smartly, Kirishima was dressed like Mt. Lady, and [Name] was dressed like Mitsuri, with the outfit being quite showy, especially around the chest, as [Name] looked a bit confused as Yaoyorozu giggled at his innocence.

"Yaoyorozu, wouldn't it have been free if you just made it?" Todoroki asked as Yaoyorozu began babbling about the economy and how it'd be unfair to use her quirk even though the entire group knew her true reason she was probably trying to save her dignity.

"Oh look, it's U.A!"

The group froze but saw a screen showing Aizawa, Vlad King, and Principal Nezu all sitting with frowns on their faces.

"We deeply apologise for the incident that allowed harm to come to 27 of our first-year hero course students. We are truly sorry." Aizawa was surprisingly dressed smartly as he bowed towards the cameras. [Name] scowled as U.A. was singled out as the bad guys.

Squeezing through an alleyway, Yaoyorozu commented how it was a tight squeeze as [Name] sweat dropped, knowing what she meant. "Those men were quite disgusting earlier," Yaoyorozu spoke as [Name] nodded.

Drunk men had tried flirting with Yaoyorozu, while some drunk women tried getting [Name]'s number. Iida ended up dragging [Name] away from the women as [Name} sighed in relief at being saved.

Yaoyorozu was on [Name]'s shoulders as [Name] made sure to look straight at the ground and not up her dress in order to show her some respect and decency. [Name]'s sure Mineta would be incredibly jealous due to his position, but he could care less about the small male.

"Um... It's really dirty I can't see any-" Kirishima gasped as he handed the night vision scope to Midoriya, whose eyes widened as he shakily handed the scope to Yaoyorozu, who was equally as shocked.

A large foot was seen lifting up a car and smashing the building with it creating strong gusts of wind as Yaoyorozu fell backwards and [Name] caught her bridal style before she hit the ground.

"The heroes were moving before we arrived. Now, let us fall back immediately." Iida smiled.

The group began to walk away before a massive explosion was heard. The group retreated behind the wall, their eyes wide and their breaths hitching at the new hole in Best Jeanist's stomach. The group was terrified of the newcomer.

[Name] was about to take a step, as were Kirishima, Midoriya, and Todoroki, but Yaoyorozu grabbed him and Kirishima while Iida had an iron grip on the other two to make sure they wouldn't move and draw attention to themselves.

"Guys, there's a way we can do this that doesn't involve fighting!" Midoriya whispered as everyone listened to his plan and eventually agreed with persuasion. Kirishima would break through the wall with his quirk, and Todoroki would make the largest piece of ice he could, similar to a ramp. Iida and Midoriya would use their quirks to blast up the ramp, and [Name] would create a massive explosion of flowers to keep the villains from being able to decipher where the students are until they're in the sky.

Jabbing his sword into the ground, yellow and orange lilies spread everywhere. "What's with all these flowers!?" [Name] heard one villain yell.

"Just as I thought they'd diverted our attention, let's go, Yaoyorozu, Tsu-" Todoroki froze at the missing [Name] as he looked around for him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

'She's in trouble, Kanae!'

Tsuyuri-Kun ¦¦ Bnha x KNY!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now