Chapter 57 🏵️

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"Things might be moving in a positive direction, but behind that is a sense of urgency from being in danger." A feminine voice spoke.

"Are the cheers rooting for those certain to win actually prayers for their victory?" Another spoke as Midnight and Mt. Lady posed in very erotic poses. "Heroes have become more about showbiz recently, but now, people want them to be true heroes!"

Mineta instantly screeched and hid behind Midoriya after seeing Mt. Lady as [Name] looked at him in confusion. Uraraka, who was sitting on [Name]'s desk, slowly used her hand to cover his eyes from the two women as [Name] made a sound of uncertainty at her actions.

"We've asked Mt. Lady to come as a special instructor," Aizawa said in his new sleeping bag, which [Name] cannot see due to Uraraka's palm. "Since you all are getting more exposure, too, Midnight came along too."

"I'm not one to talk, but this lady is the showbiz one here!" Mineta pointed at Mt. Lady, who smacked him over the head and demanded that he be quiet.

"Today will be a media practicum. I, Mt. Lady, active hero and gorgeous hot commodity, will teach you how to behave as heroes!" Mt. Lady smiled seductively as [Name]'s eyes were finally uncovered by Uraraka's hand.

"I don't know what we're going to do, but let's all go through this with Plus Ultra!" Kirishima began encouraging his peers as the class cheered along with him.

"This class will be practise for a hero interview! Mt. Lady raised her arms high in the air on the stage prepared outside. "Hero Shoto, come here."

Todoroki stepped onto the stage. "You were amazing out there, Shoto." Mt. Lady complimented him as the dual-haired male looked at her oddly.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Todoroki muttered as Mt. Lady leaned in close to him.

"Just pretend you just finished doing a job," She whispered. "Shoto, what kind of hero would you like to be?"

"A hero that can make everyone feel safe when I arrive." Todoroki answered as Mt. Lady visibly brightened at the response.

"That's amazing! If a handsome boy like you came to save me my heart would start racing!" Mt. Lady gushed as Todoroki looked at her in concern.

"Do you have heart problems?" He asked as Mt. Lady looked at him in concern at his naivety but then cheered up again and began to gush about his lack of social knowledge. "What kind of ultimate moves do you have?"

Todoroki answered by creating a massive ice wall as [Name] looked extremely lost at this interview as he tried looking around for the answer and Uraraka looked at him in worry.

"I'm not here to say anything about your personal issues, but if you want to make people feel safe, try to smile. You'll slay the ladies with your smile!" Mt. Lady winked as Todoroki stepped back in shock.

"If I smile... they'll die!?" Todoroki muttered to himself as Mt. Lady facepalmed.

"That's enough, go back down!" Mt. Lady ordered before turning to the students. "Flower Hashira: Tsuyuri [Name], please come demonstrate a proper interview."

[Name] stepped up onto the platform. "So, Tsuyuri, you became a Hashira at a young age, and yet you're still incredibly strong, how?" Mt. Lady asked as [Name] put on his classic fake smile.

"I was trained by my sisters ever since I was young, and they were amazing teachers," [Name] answered as Mt. Lady sighed in relief at having a good interviewee.

"But don't you believe you should be able to enjoy your life more before being thrown into the harsh duties of a Hashira?" Mt. Lady asked, and she sounded genuinely curious this time around.

"I believe that you know the duties of a Hashira and how you may be in that position one day as soon as you join the agency. If you don't want that commitment, then you shouldn't join. That is made clear." [Name] spoke, but he knew he didn't really have a choice. Shinobu needed a Tsuguko when Kanae died, so [Name] was just an easy choice.

"Listen class. You may be interviewed about a sensitive subject, so be prepared. For example, " Mt. Lady turned towards [Name]. "Tsuyuri, it's amazing that your sisters trained you, but their deaths must have hit hard on you, no? Plus, despite being Hashiras, they died only a few years after becoming Hashiras. Don't you think that the leader should be picking stronger people?"

[Name] froze up as the class looked fuming at Mt. Lady. However, [Name] just took a deep breath as he composed himself before returning to his smile.

"Their deaths did affect me greatly, and my sisters were strong, but no one is invincible. I think the country should still trust us Hashiras to save and help them after all we're dying to protect them," [Name] spoke with no waver in his face or his voice.

"Great. See cla-" Mt. Lady got interrupted.

"How dare you ask our Yuri that!" Ashido yelled.

"Leave [Name] out of this!" Uraraka clenched her fists angrily.

"That isn't manly at all!" Kirishima defended him despite how [Name] used to be quite rude to him in the past, but that was really the coin's decision.

"That's too far!" Hagakure's waved her arms in the air even though you could only see her gloves.

More yelling was tossed Mt. Lady's way as she gasped at the class. "Oi! I was hired to teach this class this! Blame your teachers, not me!"

"Enough." [Name]'s voice cut his friends off as Mt. Lady sighed.

"Knight in shining armour, you are." Mt. Lady plopped onto the edge of the stage. "Look. You're all going to be put in situations with questions you don't want to answer, but you have to learn to deal with those or they'll badly damage your reputation."

[Name] understood what she was saying. Tomioka wasn't the best with his reputation due to his social awkwardness, and neither is Shinazugawa due to his aggressiveness. Kanroji is very popular with the public due to her sweet and kind nature, yet she's quite often targeted due to her large appetite.

"Alright, next interview!" Mt. Lady called up students one after another as she interviewed them. [Name] sat down with Todoroki as he knew the interviews would take a long time.


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