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"Alright boy boy, by the time you get here, I'll have hot porridge ready for you. Drive safely"

"Thank you gogo, we'll see you in the morning" I say hanging up.

This granny is mean and scary, what the hell?
I wouldn't want to be Phakamile right now but then again I would never physically hurt a woman so he deserves her wrath

"I'm sorry about gogo, she means well" Lesedi says in the back seat. She's lost her voice and keeps clearing her throat.

"It's cool, what are grannies for?" I say back.

She fell asleep before we even left Gauteng but she jolted awake like she had a nightmare and then asked to use my phone.
There's so much that she and I need to talk about, this just isn't the right time nor am I the best person to tell her.

"Beers are over there and the guest bathroom is over there" she said when bab'Mzimela and Phakamile left

"I'm gonna shower and go to bed" she said walking away and not waiting for us to respond back

"Bro this is fucked up" Mdu said visibly annoyed walking to the kitchen

"Yeah not a word to dad for now, let's see how it unfolds"

"Wait for what to unfold? You saw her, look at this place. When you look at her don't you see Kea?" Mdu said handing me a beer

Lesedi is the spitting image of my daughter Kea, her niece in this case

"I know man but we need to be smart about this, right now is just not the right time"

I learnt of her when she got hired to work at MH, I did the background check on her. I've done many before her but I got invested in her when I realised we share the same surname.
I had access to the cameras in her house because my people set it up and when Phakamile asked to have someone follow her, I had Mxo do it.

"I'm not some glorified chauffeur wenja(you dog)" Mxo said annoyed when I put him on the job

The man is a sniper at best and mostly works international jobs because that's where the money is. He only spends 4 months of the year in South Africa and the other 8, he's just globetrotting or in his case globe-snipping

"The Mzimelas are too invested, can't be a coincidence that she's a Zungu. They never investigate individuals, it's always company heads and business people. Why would they investigate a regular citizen? And go as far as putting cameras in her home? Now they want her followed? What if she's one of us"

"What are the odds Bafo and why wouldn't they tell us?" Mxo asked finally taking me seriously

"We won't know unless, we're the ones following her and are on top of the investigation. Think of it as a vacation, a nice down time, on the Mzimelas"

"Fine, but what if she is who you think she is"

"The Mzimelas have a lot to answer for then, and if we don't like the answers. It's gonna be a cold day in hell for them"

"She looks like Kea"

That's the text he sent me on the 2nd day of following her

The only good thing that came from Mxo following her around, was that he was there to protect her when Nathi's scumbags tried to kidnap her. Family wise, it seemed as though it was just a coincidence that we shared the same last name. Luckily Mkhulu was a better man than Phakamile and Cyprian

Mxo has grown rather fond of Lesedi because not only did he follow her around and save her life but he drove her on one or 2 occasions
First time was when he drove her home from Mpumalanga and the other was after some award show when she hurt her foot. He finds her wholesome and I have a feeling he won't mind making an enemy out of Phakamile when he finds out he hurt her

Odds And Mirrors (Unedited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin