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"I'm the God father to Jay's 2 children so naturally I was part of the baby shower nonsense for both kids" Phakamile said

"For the first one, the guys had their own thing in the pool house but the women got bored with their thing in the garden.
They forced us to play this game were they put some muscle traction thing on our lower abdomen.
Apparently it imitates period pains and they claimed that labour pains were 100 times worse.
They had us going 2 at a time and I thought the guys were fucking around when they kept tapping out on the 4th and 5th level.
You know how guys are, we started betting and seeing who can reach the highest level and hold it longer.
Before I went in, the highest was on the 6th level and lasted 20 seconds or something"

I loved his stories so I smiled wiping my tears

"I'm guessing by that smile, you know where this is going" he said before carrying on

"I wanted to reach the 10th level and stay there for the full 30 seconds but I was squirming and sweating on the 7th level and gave up on the 9th one. We made the ladies do it too because I was sure they were fucking with us.
They all easily got to the 10th level and claimed that it was mild compared to real period pains" he paused shaking his head

" Ndoni was in high school then so I started sending her a period allowance after that because I don't know how you ladies do it. "

I laughed when he said that, it seemed as if retelling the story traumatized him all over again

"Until 10 minutes ago, it was nothing but a bad memory and a diss to my manhood. So no, I'm not trying to control you but you've got period pains and I don't want you going to work. You don't have to anymore. I'll have Themba book you off for the rest of the week"

I was stunned and not sure what to say, my anger had evaporated, we were having an arguement at 6am because I insisted on getting ready for work even though I had complained of period pain.
In my hormonal and upset state, I told him to stop trying to control everything around me when he insisted I shouldn't go to work
I stormed out butt naked and started crying in the middle of the stairway.
He followed me out unfazed and sat next to me and told me the story

"I have no idea what it's like to be a woman but if your period is anything like what we went through that time, call me controlling if you want but you're not going to that job that pays peanuts" he said serious. I couldn't help smile

Phakamile knew how to annoy me just as easily as he knew how to make me smile
He looked at me with a little smile before continuing

"I suspect this little fit we just had, has everything to do with that fact that you're bleeding all over the stairway and your period is currently showing you flames. So how about you listen to me and wear your period diaper and go back to bed?" He said suppressing his smile

"It's a Pad you weirdo! And I don't want to stay here by myself all day" I said getting emotional not just from the period but everything about Phakamile overwhelmed me, including his love and thoughtfulness

"I'm nursing you back to health so I'm calling in sick too" he said chuckling

I scooted closer to him leaning on his side and awkwardly holding him

"I'm convinced that you forget you're married to a millionaire" he said chuckling after kissing my head

"You're silly" I said feeling slightly embarrassed by my outburst
For heaven sakes I was crying butt naked on the stairway

"And you're bleeding all over the stairway and if you don't mind I like my coochie without an infection so best get up off this floor"

Right after that we showered together and spent most of the morning in bed with him working and me reading a wattpad love story called KwaDlamini while stuffing my face with fruits.
We took a nap break midday and spent the rest of the day watching The Time Traveler's Wife, eating junk and talking about everything under the sun
That was my life with Phakamile, my husband and now he's dead?
This can't be!!
Oh god

Odds And Mirrors (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now