57. Keep you safe

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'I am going to talk to him,' Peter said, seeing Robin walk towards the barn. He felt determined. 'He has been avoiding me for over a day now, I need to clear the air.'

'Ya sure, mate?' John asked. 'You look like you're gonna crack the shits. If you go to him like that, he'll run away like a cheetah.'

'Then how do I confront him?' Peter said.

'Wait. Wait for the moment he's alone.'

'He's never alone!' Peter complained. 'That's the problem!'

'I'll help you,' John said. 'Tomorrow, I will task Larry with something he can only do on his own. Then you can grab your chance. But don't be a drongo, mate. We saw how that went down before.'

Peter nodded. 'I just can't stand it. I don't like your stupid ranchboy. I don't like how he looks at Robin. I don't like that he gets more attention than me. What did he even do to deserve it? Did he take care of Robin for a whole week? Did he throw Robin a surprise birthday party? Is he more amazing than me? They've only known each other for a week!'

John looked at him in utter amusement.

'What?' Peter snapped at him.

'Nothing. You're bloody right, mate, but you oughta be the bigger person. Just-' Suddenly his eyes narrowed, looking at something outside.

'What's wrong?' Peter asked, turning around. Rex had come out at the barn, running, looking distressed.

'Something's wrong with Rex,' John said, grabbing his jacket. Peter followed him. As soon as they opened the door, they heard his loud whining. John immediately crouched in front of the dog and cupped its head in his hands. 'What's the matter, big boy?'

The dog turned around, looking at the barn and whining even louder.

When Peter realized, he ran as fast as he could. Something happened to Robin. When he entered the barn, he could already hear muffled sobs. And then he saw them, at the back, Larry on top of Robin, trying to take off his pants.

Peter grabbed him by the back of his collar and pulled him off Robin, landing a punch in his face. 'What the f*ck are you doing?!'

Larry, who was a lot stronger than Peter, hit him back twice as hard, causing Peter to fall on the floor. 'He wants this! He needs this!' Larry barked. 'You should know that, it's all because of you!'

'You're f*cking delusional,' Peter said through gritted teeth, getting up with rage in his eyes. He grabbed Larry by his collar and threw him off, in front of John and Rex, who had just arrived. Larry immediately crawled back up and ran. 'Get 'm, Rex!' John shouted, running after him. Peter turned around to Robin, who was still lying there, crying and hyperventilating. He took off his jacket and pulled Robin up gently, wrapping it around his shoulders. He noticed the big scar on his chest, but he didn't comment on it. It must be from the hot soup incident and Peter definitely didn't want to remind him of that, plus there were way more important things happening here.

Robin was paralyzed. 'I'm so sorry,' Peter whispered, helping him in the jacket and closing it. ; I should've never trusted him with you.'

Robin still didn't respond, he was sobbing too badly, gasping for air. Peter cupped his face. 'Hey Robin, look at me. Try to breathe.'

'I- I can't-' Robin uttered, looking at Peter with panic in his eyes. 'I- I can't breath-' He choked on his tears.

Valium. 'Do you have your Valium here?' Peter said, looking around. Robin pointed at his jacket on the floor, his hand was shaking badly. Peter picked it up and found the bottle in his pockets. He opened it. 'How many?'

Robin put up three fingers, the shaking had gotten worse again. Peter put the pills in his hand and he swallowed them. Soon, he could finally breathe again. 'Is that better?' Peter asked quietly.

Robin nodded, but that's when the realization of what just had happened kicked in. 'He tried to- he wanted to-'

'Ssh, I know,' Peter said, feeling his eyes tear up as well now that the adrenaline rush had worn off. He put a hand against the back of Robin's head and pulled it on his shoulder, hugging him to comfort him and to hide his own tears. Robin wrapped his arms around Peter's waist and broke down, crying inconsolably. Peter stroked his hair as he tried to hold back his own tears from falling. Another piece of misfortune had found Robin and Peter hadn't been there to protect him. What was it that the universe had against such a sweethearted boy, why did it try so hard to destroy every piece of happiness he had left? It was so incredibly unfair, and now some stupid boy at John's ranch- why Robin, why him? Why?


After an hour, Peter and Robin were stil sitting there, atop the hay. John had come back after a while to tell them he had terminated his contract with Larry and that they wouldn't see him again, and to give them hot chocolate and blankets for them so they wouldn't get cold and also a new hoodie for Robin. Then he left them on their own again.

'Thank you,' said Robin. 'I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come.'

'Actually, it was Rex who alerted us,' Peter said. 'What happened? Like, I never liked him, but I didn't expect him to... y'know.'

'It was a misunderstanding,' Robin said. 'He thought I was following him around because I had a crush on him.'

'Err, and he thought that gave him the right to be an *ssh*le like that? Even if you did, he still can't do sh*t without your consent.'

Robin nodded. 'He was saying stuff like "you want this", you know, he didn't want to listen to me, he only believed what he wanted to believe.'

'That son of a b*tch!' Peter scowled. 'If I ever see him again, I can't guarantee he'll make it out alive!'

That elicted a small smile out of Robin. He rested his head on Peter's shoulder. 'I'm exhausted.'

Peter wrapped his arm around Robin's shoulder. 'It was a rough day.'

Robin nodded quietly and moved a little closer so he could rest his head against Peter's chest comfortably.

'Did he hurt you anywhere?' Peter asked.

'Nothing bad,' Robin replied. 'My lower back hurts a lot and he bit my lip, but the bleeding stopped quite soon. It will probably look ugly though.'

'Nothing can make you look ugly, Robin.' Peter rested his head on top of Robin's. His hair smelled nice. 'Not in my eyes, at least.'

Robin scoffed at that. 'You're weird. But thank you. I feel relieved now that you're here.'

'I will be with you,' Peter said, 'always.'

'Don't promise stuff like that,' Robin said. 'You never know what happens.'

'You're right,' Peter said. 'But I can assure you that I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe from now on.'

Robin just nodded, too tired to reply. They stayed quiet after that, just enjoying each other's company. After a while, Robin's head grew heavier on Peter's chest and he slid to the side a little bit. 'Are you asleep?' Peter whispered. When he got no response, he adjusted to a more comfortable sleeping position and draped the blankets over them, holding on to Robin tightly for warmth. He wiped some hair from the boy's forehead and pressed a kiss to it. 'Sweet dreams, Robin.'


Rex, John and Peter, our saviours. That mf b*tch Larry, I hope he gets run over by a lorry on his way home.

We need some slayness amid the non-slayness of the past two chapters, so here is my latest vibe.

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