8. Married at twenty-one

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Robin's POV

'Come in, come in!' the kind woman who had introduced herself as Peter's mother earlier invited Robin in.

Shyly, Robin did so, and he shook the lady's hand. She looked relatively young, not a day over fifty for sure. 'I'm sorry for not introducing myself just now, I was in a bit of a hurry. My name is Robin Peterson, David and Felicia's nanny since monday.'

'It's okay, I understand. Is my son giving you a hard time? You have only worked for him since last monday and he already makes you run around like this, on your free day too.' The woman expressed her sincere concern.

'I don't mind, really.' Robin reassured. 'It's better than not knowing what to do. I was already worried about what to do with all that free time.'

They entered the living room, and Felicia and David jumped up in unison. 'Big brother Robin!'

Robin squatted down and caught the two of them in his arms, laughing. 'Did you miss me? Isn't it fun here?'

'Of course it is!' Felicia exclaimed. 'But is daddy okay?'

'Yes, he will be alright. The doctor told him to rest for a week, then he will be okay again. So you will need to be a little more quiet at home, okay?'

Felicia nodded. 'I will. But I want to see him. Can we go home? Will he be okay on his own?'

'Do you think he will walk away on his own and hit his head once more? Aside from the fact that he can't, he probably won't even dare to get out of bed for the next few hours. He was asleep when I left him.'

'But daddy never sleeps in the afternoon.'

Peter ruffled her hair. 'If you'd hit your head twice, you would sleep too. His brain is so shaken up right now that he can't even think about anything else than sleeping. But that's good, when he sleeps his brain will become better again.'

'Would you like a cup of tea?' Peter's mom interrupted them.

Robin got up and smile. 'Yes please, ma'am.'


'So, how old are you actually?' miss Robinson asked, sipping her tea. 

'Nineteen.' Robin replied. 'I will turn twenty next month though.'

'That's really young.' miss Robinson commented. 'Is this your first job as a nanny?'

Robin shook his head. 'I've worked in another single-father family with one son. He got remarried, so that's how I lost my job after a year. But as I was looking for a new job, that man's brother introduced me to Peter.'

'Ahh. What made you decide to become a nanny at such a young age?'

'I've just always really loved kids. I didn't have any siblings, but I used to amuse my younger cousins from my dad's side, and after he left, I freelanced as a babysitter frequently. My mom always wanted more kids but she had problems with her fertility so it was already a miracle she got me. That's another reason for me to become a nanny, because my mom always treasured me deeply, and remembering how that felt, I want other kids to feel treasured too. So well, that's my two main reasons. Aside from that, I really enjoy cooking for other people.'

'Ahh...your dad left?'

'Hmm, when I was twelve.' Robin said, praying she wouldn't ask any further.

'That must've been hard.' miss Robinson said, and Robin just nodded quietly.

She didn't ask any more questions about his dad. Thank god...

'You sound like you would be such a good dad. What if you meet a nice girl and start a family of your own? You can't continue being a nanny anymore, right? How will you earn money?'

'That won't happen.' Robin said sternly, before adjusting quickly. 'I mean, not anytime soon at least. I'm too young for love as of now. When the time comes, I will think about it.'

'I've heard someone else say this before, and they got married at twenty-one.' miss Robinson smiled.

'Excuse me, ma'am. I know how important stability is in a kid's life. So I am aiming to stay with David and Felicia for a long time, as long as Peter wants me to stay. At the moment, they are the ones I care for the most, so a future lover will have to do a lot of convincing to marry me at twenty-one.'

As soon as Robin stopped speaking, he regretted his tone, so he apologized. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to speak to you that way.'

Miss Robinson sat back and smiled, which made Robin feel a bit unsettled, seeing such a warm smile after his rather defensive speech.

Miss Robinson explained: 'I just wanted to know if my grandchildren are in good hands. You see, they seem pretty attached to you already. But now my heart is at ease.'

Robin blushed, looking away. He had no idea how to reply to that. 

Miss Robinson suddenly leaned forward. 'Hey, but my grandchildren aren't the only ones you're taking care of, are they?'

'Eh?' Robin's head shot up. 'Ah, I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean.'

'You were in such a hurry to get my son to the hospital earlier. Even though you could've asked me to drive him there, and looked after the kids instead. That would've been more logical, since you are a nanny. Or did you just look at me and assume an old woman like me can't drive?'

'Nonono!' Robin quickly put his hands up in a defensive way. 'You don't even look old. I just-'

'Were you too worried about my son to think about it?'

Robin scratched the back of his neck. 'I guess I was... I'm sorry, I really didn't think about anything. It would indeed have been better if you had driven him.'

Miss Robinson waved away his comment. 'Oh, don't worry. Even though he won't admit it, he also needs someone to take care of him. But if it's too much, just tell me. After all your job is the children, not the father.'

Robin smiled. 'I really don't mind. I think I have found a friend in him too. When you're a nanny, it's always good to have a good bond with the parents as well.'

'Hmm.' Miss Robinson nodded. 'I just meant that you need to know what you can take. If you want to be a real close friend to Peter, you will get to know a lot about him, and it's not all good things.'

Robin nodded. 'I know. But I am not free of problems either, and even though I might be young, I have seen many dark sides of life. We may as well help each other overcome our problems, since I already feel helped by him a lot.'

Miss Robinson smiled softly. 'You know, in some ways you sound older than nineteen years old, while in some ways you sound exactly like a nineteen-year-old.'

Robin didn't know how to reply to that.

'Anyways,' -miss Robinson quickly changed the subject- 'since you are part of my son's family now, we'll be seeing each other more often. If you want to, you can call me mom.'


"And while we're at it, you can call our son "daddy" if you want."

That one offkey note in the chorus is religion, I swear.

Also, why do I think of my classmate Jeffrey when I see him?

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