60. Talk to me

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Peter came back to the house just as he heard Mrs Anderson. 'Hey Davey, did you sleep well? Oh no, dear, what happened?'

Having a bad feeling, Peter rushed over to them, just to see David's lip quivering as he said: 'Robin sad...'

'What's-' Mrs Anderson started, but Peter cut her off. 'I'll check on him, please handle David for me.' He ran up the stairs, three at a time, and rushed into Robin's bedroom, where Robin laid, curled up into a ball, crying uncontrollably. He was clutching his chest with one hand, the other reaching to the Valium on his nightstand, but instead of grasping it, he accidentally knocked it over the edge. Peter caught it just in time. 'It's alright, I got you.' He wrapped his arm around Robin's shoulder and helped him up. 'Can you take these yourself or do you need me to help you?'

'Wa...ter,' Robin uttered weakly. The glass of water was on the nightstand, just out of reach for Robin, so Peter helped him drink it after he took the pills. 'There you go,' he said. 'I'm here for you. This too will pass.'

Robin was calming down alreadt and his head sunk against Peters chest. 'Thanks,' he whispered.

'What happened?' Peter asked when his breathing was close to normal again.

'Just a stupid nightmare,' Robin mumbled. Peter could tell it was more than that, but he didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, Robin lifted his head from Peter's chest again and pulled himself away, wiping his tears. 'I'm okay.'

'What's going on?' Peter asked worriedly. Robin was keeping a distance from him. Did he find out? No, he wasn't like this last night, it only started after that panic attack this morning.

'I- I don't know what you're talking about.'

'Just... I noticed you're trying to keep a distance all of a sudden. Why? Is your head messing with you again? Intrusive thoughts?'

It took Robin just a bit too long to deny it for it to be convincing.

'Robin...' Peter took his hand in his. 'It's not your fault that this happened to you, not at all. You are not the reason people do bad things to you. That's just because those people suck. You don't deserve any of the stuff that happened. In fact, you deserve so much better, you deserve all the happiness in the world. I don't know why the universe is so mean to you. It makes me mad and sad and I wish the universe was a person so I could beat the crap out of them. But most of all, I wish for you to not have to carry all of it on your own. So please, don't shut me out and try to deal with whatever you're feeling on your own. Nothing you say will ever be able to push me away.'

Robin looked at Peter for a long time, a conflicted look in his eyes, trying to read him. Peter smiled reassuringly. 'Talk to me,' he emphasized.

Robin sighed and closed his eyes. Peter sat on the edge of his bed and looked at him.

'I just feel so worthless,' he said. 'I'm always so naive, so quick to trust people, to give my entire heart to them only for them to end up leaving me.'

'This is not about... Larry, isn't it?' Peter checked carefully.

Robin was quiet for a moment, then he shook his head.

'I see,' Peter said, nodding. 'Um... actually, there's something I haven't told you.'

Robin looked at him with a frown. 'What?'

'You know, when you were sick... you were having these nightmares, remember? About your parents and stuff?'

Robin nodded.

'That was not the only thing. You... mentioned another name. Not really in a nightmare, though. You called me by his name, actually. Twice.'

Robin gasped. 'Oh sh*t... I'm so sorry.'

'No, I didn't take any offense to it, you were unconscious and living in the past. I just wanted you to know that I heard that, that's all. In case that's who you're referring to.

'Isaac,' Robin said.

Peter nodded.

Robin closed his eyes and sighed. 'I- I'm not ready.'

'That's okay,' Peter said. 'You can tell me when you're ready. I just wanna say, whatever that guy did to you, you didn't deserve it and it definitely doesn't make you worthless. You are not defined by the tragic events in your life or the people who hurt you. Your true worth is in here,' - he pointed to Robin's chest - 'and that is something no one can take away from you.'

Robin looked back at him, his lip trembling. 'I'm so sorry,' he said quietly. 'I feel like such a burden right now, and it scares me. Heck, I- I just made little Davey cry. What if I don't get better before the end of this week? How am I supposed to take care of the kids then?'

'Hey,' Peter said, gently cupping his face. 'You will get better. I know that. You are much stronger than you think. And I will be there for you if you need me. We hit a rough patch, but we'll get out of it. Together. I won't leave you. Not now, not ever. That is a promise.'

Robin looked at him with teary eyes and Peter leaned in to rest his forehead against the younger's. 'I'm not gonna leave.'

Robin let out a sound that sounded like a mix between a chuckle and a sob. 'God,' he whispered. 'How did I find someone like you?'

'There should be some compensation for the bad shit in your life,' Peter laughed. 'So here I am.'

Robin cupped Peter's face as well, laughing along. 'I'm so glad I met you, Peter,' he whispered, words that caused Peter's cheeks to burn up. 'I'm so glad I met you, too,' he mumbled shyly.

'Daddy and Robin in a tree, K-'

Robin and Peter turned towards the door simultanuously. 'Shut up, Felicia!'


Felicia, our favourite c*ckblock. Anyway, can we just talk about the CHEMISTRY these two have? I want what they have. Gimme.

I'm in love with this song. You should've heard me when he sang it at the concert. Comfort song fr.

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