83. Incredible

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When Peter came home the next Monday, Robin greeted him in the hallway again, proudly wearing his apron again. 'How was your day?' he asked when Peter had greeted the kids and they ran off to the living room again.

'Pretty good,' Peter said, 'though I couldn't wait to get home. How was yours?'

'Also good!' His eyes looked lively again, his smile not fake. 'We had lots of fun. Oh right, and I finished another painting. Wanna see it?'

'Of course,' Peter said, following Peter into the living room, where it smelled amazing again. 'Ooh, lasagna!' he said. 'Just like the first day.'

'Oh, you remember!' Robin said, looking excited.

'Duh,' Peter said. 'How could I possibly forget that day? Ooh, that looks good!' He examined the painting Robin presented to him. It was a self portrait in his newfound art style. His blue eyes stood out, with the slightest bit of green in them, just like Peter had discovered. Around his face was the night sky, with the stars in all kinds of colours. 'A self-portrait, wow.'

'Yeah, you can have this one,' Robin said. 'I don't like looking at myself, but since you and the kids miss me, might as well leave it with you. It just has to dry for about three more hours until I can apply the final layer.'

'Great,' Peter said. 'So that means you'll stay at least three more hours. Even better.'


'You're improving so much,' Peter said when Robin came downstairs from putting Felicia to bed.

'What, like, with painting?'

'No, uh, well, I have no idea, I'm not an artist. But I mean, your mood. You look really happy. Even when you don't smile. I can see you're doing way better than two weeks ago.'

Robin smiled widely. 'Well, I am. I am officially eight days panic-attack-free.'

'That is great,' Peter said. 'I am so proud of you.'

'Well, I think it has more to do with you than with me,' Robin said.

Peter shook his head. 'It's you who made the choice to come back. I might be very convincing, but that doesn't change the fact that you were willing to face your fear and give us another chance. I think that's brave.'

'You didn't even leave me a choice,' Robin laughed. 'Imagine if I listened to that entire speech and was like: "okay cool, but still bye." Now that would be brave.'

'No, that's just dumb,' Peter said. 'Imagine missing out on someone like me.'

'For a big crybaby like you, that's a very bold thing to say.'

'I'm sensitive and open. Those are good qualities in a partner.'

'Well, I have to say I admire your confidence. Can I buy some?'

'You could, if I actually had it. It's mostly just bluff, sadly.'

'Well, maybe if you bluff long enough, you'll start believing yourself,' Robin said. 'Maybe I should try.'

'You don't even need to bluff,' Peter said. 'You're amazing.'

'And so are you,' Robin said warmly.

'Okay,' Peter said. 'So why don't you marry me?'

'Peter...' Robin laughed.

'Anyways,' he then said, 'today I realised how much I missed this. Dave and Felicia and just... being able to focus on anyone else than myself. If you don't mind, I'd like to take on an additional day.'

'Sure!' Peter said. 'I'll have to discuss with my moms which one, though.'

'Of course,' Robin said. 'Well, I'm free pretty much everyday, so.'

'Great,' Peter said. 'And if you get bored on other days of the week, well, you know where to find me.'

'Haha no, let's take it slow.'

'Ugh,' Peter groaned. 'Whatever. Just in case you change your mind.'


It came down to Wednesday. Peter had another talk with Anita, who thought he was doing great. They discussed his sleeping meds, which were actually working really well lately, though Peter obviously noticed that their effects were limited when his mental state was worse. And he was still pretty attached to Robin. However, it was not wrong to get attached to a person, especially now that Robin had made clear that he was there to stay. Plus, Peter might not sleep as well, but he did not feel depressed when Robin was gone. He just missed him like any normal human being would miss their significant other. He was very far in his journey of grief over Leah, the memories involving Richard did not hurt anymore, he had reconciled with his mother-in-law and they had successfully avoided the emotional crisis that had been looming over him ever since Leah's death. It was safe to say he might not need a lot of sessions anymore, only a few to keep track of his meds. They had already decided to cut it down to biweekly sessions now. It made Peter feel really relieved. He was almost there.

He got home early again and Robin asked him how the session went. 'Really good,' Peter said. 'I'm probably getting some light sleeping meds soon and I won't be needing many sessions anymore.'

'That is amazing,' Robin said, pulling him in for a hug. 'You are incredible.' To further express his admiration, he pulled back and kissed Peter on his cheek. They burned up like the bushfires that would destroy half their country's forestation in less than two years from now. 'Do it again,' Peter said.

'Nope,' Robin said, booping his nose. 'One is enough.'

'I thought I was incredible. If incredible only deserves one cheek kiss, then you must have really high standards.'

'I do,' Robin said. 'So you should feel honoured.'

'Yeah okay, I do.' Peter quickly leaned in and pressed his lips on Robin's cheek as well, taking him by surprise.

'Oh my gawd,' Felicia shrieked. 'Daddy and Robin in a-'



Peter in his flirty era and I'm living for it.

Also, sorry for not updating for a while. I really underestimated second year of med school. I feel like I'm drowning in all the work and I'm constantly exhausted. I haven't properly written anything in the past few days, because I simply don't have the energy. I'm only updating because this lecture is exceptionally boring and irrelevant lol.

Anyway, this course ends on October 16th, and I think that the next course will require less energy, as I'm resitting that one. So I'll probably get back to writing more then. And of course, I'll still update in the mean time when I feel like it.

Oh by the way, I'm going to a concert tonight. Delilah Bon, and this is currently my favourite song. She's not very well known, but if you're into hardcore feminism and hate patriarchy, definitely check her out. I love how she uses her voice in all kinds of ways to bring her message across. I found her via her song "Dead Men Don't Rape" which is a raw reaction to Roe v. Wade being overturned, you should really listen to it, because she makes a lot of really good points.

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