84. Weedy seadragon

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'Are we there yet?'

'Almost,' said Peter to the blindfolded Robin. He was just about to park his car. Which was good, since Robin had only asked him that question, like, seven times. He was worse than David and Felicia on the way to John's ranch.

He stopped the car. 'Okay, we're there, but don't take your blindfold off yet.'

'Okay~' Robin had a big smile on his face.

Peter got out of the car and walked around it to open the door for Robin, taking his hand and pulling him up. 'Alright,' he said, positioning the young man and taking off his blindfold. 'Here you go. Ta-da!'

Robin gasped loudly, hands in front of his mouth. 'Oh my god, the aquarium!'

'Do you like it?' Peter asked.

'I love it!' Robin said. 'How did you know I wanted to go here?'

'Lucky guess,' Peter said. 'You seem like the aquarium type.'

Robin wasn't even listening to him anymore. 'Let's go!'

It was so much fun. The blue reflection of the water on Robin's face as they walked through tunnels and the way he pointed everything out. Unsurprisingly, he knew a lot of their names. 'Oh, you know, I had a phase,' he said when Peter asked him about it. 'My mom and I went here once, when I was six. Afterwards, I begged her for this book on fish and she said she didn't have the money, but still bought it secretly and surprised me with it when we came home. I was obsessed with it for weeks, so I read it until I knew them all.'

'You are adorable,' Peter blurted. 'You know that, right?'

Robin gave him a weird look and sighed. 'Peter...'

'What?' Peter raised his brows. 'I'm just stating a fact.'

Robin rolled his eyes. 'Oh well. Oh look, it's a weedy seadragon!'

Peter could just hug the boy right now. So that's what he did, from behind.

'Peter!' Robin whisper-yelled. 'What are you doing? People will see!'

'Who cares,' Peter said. 'We've already held hands in public anyway.'

'Yeah, but that was an art gallery,' Robin protested. 'There's kids in here.'

'So? We do this all the time in front of my kids and they've never had an issue with it.'

'Ugh, you're unbelievable,' Robin said, leaning in to Peter's touch as he got distracted by yet another fish. From the corner of his eye, Peter saw a little girl staring at him, holding her moms hand. 'Mommy, what are those two men doing?' he heard her whisper.

Her mom looked up and made eye contact with Peter, who smiled at her politely before following Robin's finger, pointing at another fish.

'Olivia, it's rude to stare at people.' The mom whispered back. 'Look at that fish over there. Isn't it beautiful?'

'Yeah, it is!'

Peter smiled to himself. Kids were so easily distracted. Good thing the mom did not make a big deal out of it. But even if she had, there would've been no way Peter would have let her talk badly about Robin. No matter what, he would protect the younger's happiness.

'I love you,' he whispered in his ear.

Robin fell silent, indicating he heard it, but he didn't reply. He leaned into Peter a little more and to Peter, that was enough. He knew Robin's silence did not mean that the man did not love him. He just wasn't ready to say it back. That was alright, because when he was, Peter would be waiting. And his gut feeling told him it wouldn't take very long.

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