24. Family

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After the last person, which was John, had left and the house and backyard were back to their original state, Robin and Peter dropped down next to each other on the couch. 

'Is it weird if I tell you that this is the biggest birthday party I have ever had in my entire life?' Robin said.

'Honestly speaking, my birthday parties are also not too grand.' Peter said. 'I guess I'm a bit of an introvert, interacting like this with so many people is rather tiring.'

'Yes, but it was really fun!' Robin replied happily. He rested his head on Peter's shoulder, sighing: 'Thanks a lot, Peter. Even though your trick was really stupid, acting like you didn't know.'

'I just wanted to surprise you, but now I feel bad too.' Peter said. 'I hope you didn't cry too much because of me. But you should know that I could never just forget your birthday. It is now a really important day to me too, for I don't know what David, Felicia and me would've been without you.' He looked into Robin's eyes deeply. 'Thank you for being born, Robin.'

Robin obviously didn't know how to reply to such a compliment, and he just turned away, his face and ears burning red.

'Oh, and I also have one more present for you.' Peter remembered. 'Well, an offer, actually.'

Aside from the apron, Peter, together with David and Felicia, had provided him with many other presents today, consisting mainly of painting, since Robin had expressed his desire to try something new to Felicia, and also a book. It was one of Peter's favourites, it was titled "Regulus" and consisted of various short, inspiring poems about life, loss, loneliness and love. Since the stars were a consistent theme through the poems, Peter had immediately thought of it when he found out about Robin's passion for stars. Peter was surprised, and yet he was not, when Robin immediately knew what star Regulus was.

'Oh really?' Robin replied to Peter's notice. 'What is it?'

'Well, you see, midterm holiday is approaching. So logically I'm free as well then. You're welcome to stay here of course, but you don't have to decide right now. Anyway, when John and I were talking tonight, he asked me to come and stay over at the ranch for two weeks. So my question is: would you like to come with us?'

'To the ranch?' Robin thought about it for a while, then he questioned: 'Is it a good idea if I join you guys at the ranch? Maybe it's better you go alone with the kids. After all, it's good to have some real family time as well. I'd just be... hanging around the three of you all the time.'

'No, you're not.' Peter said sternly. Having caught Robin's attention, he continued in a softer voice: 'You are part of our family, Robin. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but without you it feels incomplete. Felicia and David think so too, and it's not just them, even my parents already consider you part of the family. Saying you're "just hanging around" us is very untrue.'

Robin was silent for a while, blushing again. 'Well then,' he then said, 'I might consider it, since after all I do not have a family to do these kinds of things with-'

'Now you do.'

Robin looked up at Peter, his eyes were tearing up and he just looked so beautiful.

'Thank you.' the boy whispered for the third time that day. 

Laughing, Peter pulled the younger's head to his chest, patting his back. 'No, thank you.'


'This is the third time you made me cry today.' Robin said when he got up after a while, wiping his eyes. 'And here I thought you were the crybaby.'

Peter laughed. 'I'm so sorry.'

'You don't sound sorry.' Robin muttered. 

'True, maybe because I know you are not crying because of pain.'

'You do have a point there.' Robin chuckled. 'Seriously, I'm still stunned at the fact you even invited Richard, Melissa and Rick. I haven't seen them in ages, and it was really nice to spend time with Rick again. And wow, I can't believe how quickly Felicia cracked his defense. It took me about two weeks.'

It's true, it had only taken Felicia five minutes of telling stories and firing questions at the four-year-old before he replied to one of them, and for the rest of the night, the two kids' laughter had filled the air. David had felt a bit left out at first, but when Peter's father had sat him on his lap, making fun faces at him, he had been more than content and eventually fell asleep, head resting against the man's chest. They were alike, just like Peter also resembled his father, though he had inherited a bit of his mom's social skills as well.

So Rick had the tendency to close himself off from other people as well. In that, he definitely took after his dad. Memories started to resurface in Peter's mind, memories he wished to forget. Richard-

'Is something wrong?' Robin observed him with a frown. 'Are you okay?'

'What? Oh, yeah. I guess I'm a bit tired.'

'Yeah, it was a lot of socializing tonight. Should we go to sleep?'

'Yes, let's do that.'


"Thank you for being born." is honestly the most beautiful thing you can tell someone, really.

Oh also, I'm going to edit a few earlier parts since I just discovered that that time when Robin became the new nanny was during a school holiday lol, so I'm gonna make it a bit earlier and let Peter be sick in that holiday.

Okay so I edited it now and I added quite some stuff to chapter 18 so feel free to reread it, it's funny stuff.

I have so many recommendations right now, but let's do AleXa first because YASSS QUEEENNNN

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