3. Apron

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The first day of Robin being a nanny was already a long day. Monday was always Peter's longest day, where he gave lessons until 4PM and then often had some appointments with other teachers, also preparing some lessons after that. But he was planning to do that at home tonight. Today, he'd be done by 5.30PM probably. 

Since Robin would cook, he was quite eager to go home, aside from the fact that he was always missed the kids the most on mondays.

But good thing, it was already 3.30PM and he was currently giving his last lesson. Class 11A also wasn't that hard to handle, especially compared to class 7E.

Before this lesson he had class 7E, and even though he felt like it's not okay to say this about any class, they were a living NIGHTMARE for every teacher. It took you a lot of patience to get them silent, if you managed to in the first place, and as soon as you turned your back towards them they would immediately start talking and giggling, making you feel very unsafe, wondering what prank they were going to pull on you.

Class 7E were infamous for their pranks. Peter's colleague, mr. Clarke, had become a victim of hacking and of course half the class had taken pictures when a tab appeared on the digi-board screen, showing some pretty... explicit pictures. He almost got fired, weren't it for silent girl Anna speaking up and telling on Robert and Ivan, the masterminds of the prank. The two boys got suspended from school for a month. Poor Anna got bullied so much that she ended up transferring to another school, just because she stood up for her favourite teacher, since James Clarke was a very sympathic man. 

Another thing that happened was class 7E snapping pictures of mr. Lee and mrs. Thompson in secret and then photoshopped them in a picture together in a quite intimate position. The photo got spread all around the school and eventually got to their spouses. It was almost the end for both of these marriages, weren't it for a smart mrs. Lee noticing something was off about the way mr. Lee's right hand was attached to his arm. When she zoomed in, there was actually written in very small letters: "CLASS 7E WORLD DOMINATION!"

Now, every teacher at Winston College was horrified and treated class 7E with utmost caution. To make matters even worse, it wasn't even halfway the year yet, so they had to wait for another seven to eight months to disperse them over all the year eight classes. Even though the chance of even 25% of them passing this year was pretty low. Some of them had such low marks for each subject that even if they would bribe each teacher to give them only full marks, which they shouldn't be able to (right?), they still wouldn't get their marks up. They literally had matches for the longest streak of 0% scores. Currently Mathieu and Samantha were at the top, with both a streak of ten absolute zero's in a row. Robert used to be at the top but he accidentally answered a question right. Actually Mathieu and Samantha were the smartest kids in the class, so that's why they knew exactly what they should not answer. These kids, no one could grasp why they wanted to throw away their could-have-been-splendid-future for a freaking match.

Peter was still wondering how it could have happened that all the kids who didn't care about their future for one bit ended up in the same class, amplifying their attitude together. There was not a single person in the other year seven classes who was failing classes, they were all in class 7E.

Compared to class 7E, class 11A whom he was teaching now, were absolute angels, so Peter could finally relax a bit. Still, he couldn't wait to go home to see how David and Felicia were doing, with their new nanny who just happened to be a boy with the brightest smile in the universe.


As soon as he turned the key, he heard his kids running towards the door, shouting: "DADDY IS HOME!!" from the top of their lungs. He opened the door and caught the two in his arms, laughing.

Then, he caught a smell. It was a very pleasant smell that caused his stomach to rumble.

It reminded him of how it would smell when he got home after another long day, to be greeted by his precious wife, wearing an apron, a bright smile on her beautiful face that he couldn't get enough of. She'd read his mood and hug him, saying: 'Welcome home, honey.'

And he would say: 'I missed you so much today~'

And she would giggle and peck his lips. 

Until she wasn't there to greet him anymore...

'Dave cold.' David suddenly said, pulling Peter from his memories. He quickly got up and closed the door. As he was in the middle of taking off his shoes, he heard a voice. 'You're home.'

He looked up to see Robin, sparkling bright blue eyes, a wide smile, and a rosy blush covering his cheeks, wearing Leah's apron.


Lasagna. Robin had cooked lasagna, Peter's favourite food. 

'I didn't know what to make on my first day, so I asked Felicia.' Robin said, seeing Peter staring at the oven dish. 'She said you liked lasagna.'

He untied the apron. 'I guess I'll get going then.'

Peter frowned. 'You're not gonna stay over for dinner?'

Robin smiled. 'I've saved some for myself.' He pointed at a small tupperware box. 

'Why are you not eating here? You live alone, right? It doesn't make sense to eat at home when you can eat here as well. Beside, you'll need to reheat it and it's most delicious when it's fresh.'

'Ah.' Robin's cheeks flushed with red. 'Then, I guess I'll go get an extra plate.'

He took off the apron. 'This apron has a beautiful design, by the way.'

'It's from Italy.' Peter said. 'Leah and I went there for our honeymoon and when she saw it, she liked the design so much, so I bought it for her. Ever since, she has worn it everyday while cooking.'

Gazing at nothing in particular while reminiscing about the past again, thinking about the way she looked while cooking, all focused, the times they cooked together, he didn't notice Robin's expression changing as he hurried towards the kitchen to hang the apron back in its spot. He came back with an extra plate, knife and fork.

Peter only snapped out of his daze when Robin interrupted him. 'I'm sorry, but... the food is getting cold.'

'Ah, yeah.' Peter sent the boy a quick apologetic smile before turning towards the playing kids. 'David, Felicia, dinner's ready!'


Heaven. This must be heaven.

That was the thought that crossed Peter's mind when he took the first bite from the lasagna. 

There were no words to describe the taste, it was more than heavenly. Full, perfectly spiced, different tastes complementing each other, it was just so perfect that Peter almost forgot to swallow. Robin's confidence in his cooking skills had surely been righteous. 

He noticed Robin observing him curiously, so he quickly chewed and swallowed, before turning over. 'Wow, how-  how did you learn to cook like that?'

Robin's smile was so wide that his eyes turned into the shape of crescent moons, when he replied: 'My mom taught me. She was a cook in a restaurant.'

Peter noticed the past tense, but he didn't ask. 'Do you like cooking?' he asked.

Robin nodded enthusiastically. 'Yes! Yes, I do.'

Peter grinned, the boy's enthusiasm was adorable. 'Then, can I hire you as my cook from now on?'


Lol Robin and his love for cooking. I want to taste it too UwU

I totally love these older MV's about gangs. The bromance is INTENSE! 3:42 I AM DEAD OKAY! Look for B.A.P. too oofs

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