Raising A Little Brother

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Celests pov (aged twelve)

"morning sissy" I woke up to a pair of purple eyes. Those purple eyes belonged to kokichi, my little brother.

"good morning kokichi" I scooped the small boy up into arms. He's only a toddler of four years old so it's up to me to look after him, which means getting up whenever he does. That which can be a challenge in of itself seeing as he likes to get up at ungodly hours of the morning. Oh my poor sleep schedule!

"now my little prince, what would you like for breakfast" I asked as I sat him down at our kitchen table.

"pancakes and panta!" he said firmly.

"you ask for the same thing every time and my answer is always the same. You can't drink anything fizzy this time in the morning" I chuckled slightly.

"fiiiine then just pancakes ok"

"that I can do" I smiled as I turned to the kitchen cooker.

Me and kokichi have been living together in this small apartment for four years now and we have more than accommodated in this small, simple life. I don't plan to live like this forever though. I have a dream after all.

"mmm yummy" kokichi grinned as he wolfed down the pancakes.

"only for you my love" I kissed the top of his head. I ran my hand through his hair in thought "kokichi?"


"how would you like to live in a big castle with a bunch of servents at our every command. Just the two of us"

"hmm" he thought to himself before smiling at me "that would be cool but I'd be happy anywhere as long as we're together"

"you have a heart of gold my little prince" I held him close. He really is the only thing good in my life.

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