Hopes Peak

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Celests pov (aged sixteen)

You teako yasuhiro has been chosen to join hopes peak academy under the name of ultimate gambler. We hope to see you on September 14th.
Jin kirigiri.

I read through the letter over and over again. I couldn't believe it. They've invited me to join the estimed hopes Peak academy. It's been a dream come true!

I couldn't contain my excitement. I cupped my hands over my mouth and yelled "kokichi! Kokichi come up here now!"

"coming" kokichi yelled as he raced out of his room "so what's up? Am I in trouble"

I held out the letter "I'm going to hopes peak!"

"oh my gosh that's amazing" he raced into my arms. We spent the afternoon spinning around and laughing. Yes life is certainly going well.

All that's left is to achieve my dream.

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