Letter From Hopes Peak

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Kokichis pov

We sat in the kitchen eating dinner together. I had gotten back from a long day with big sis. I haven't told mokoto and kyoko about it of course. They don't need to worry about me anymore then they already do.

Our peaceful dinner was interrupted by the soft clink of the mail getting delivered.

"I'll get it" I said brightly as I ran to the door.

Sitting there was a bunch of letters neatly tied together with some string. I pulled the string apart and shuffled through the letters. Most of them was bills for mokoto and kyoko but one letter was addressed to me.

Dear Kokichi ouma
You have been scouted by hopes peak academy to join our school until the title of ultimate gambler. You will start on the 1st of September. See you soon.
Taru shirogami.

I felt excitement bubble up inside of me. An Ultimate gambler just like big sis. I knew dabbling in the Gambling arts would be a good idea. Even if it was just to feel close to her at the time it really has flourished into something positive.

"hey kokichi what's that you got there?" I turned around to see kyoko and mokoto.

I held the letter out excitedly "I've been accepted into hopes peak!"

"oh buddy that's amazing" mokoto picked me up and spun me around.

"we're very proud of what you accomplished" kyoko petted my head as mokoto set me down.

I smiled proudly to myself. I have a amazing family and I'm going to an amazing school. I really have it all don't I?

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