Chapter 1. The Beginning of Order

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"So this is the Lilac Rose Kingdom?" Hope asked hiding her hair under the hood

"It seems so." Tyler thought. "This place was so bright, and these people... I've never seen them so..."


"Yes. Something's wrong, and I want to find out what"

He sped up. His companion could barely keep up with him. 

Bleak lights lit almost empty streets. Anyone who met on the path of heroes either locked their doors afraid or just said that everything is okay. It seemed like no one wanted to talk about what is happening here. Or... Maybe they were afraid? But who were they afraid of? We'll know it very soon.

They arrived in the tavern. Maybe, in this place they'll find someone who will gladly tell them anything. And, of course, after a long journey they needed some rest. Tyler asked asked almost everyone here. Obviously, no one told him recent news. 
He took the key from room, and our heroes came upstairs.

"I don't understand" Tyler sighed locking the door tightly. "These people know something, but don't tell us"

"They are scared, Tyler" Hope sat on the bed. "And not of us"

"What do you mean?" He looked at her

"You know. While you were trying to find out the truth, I looked around and noticed guardians. They were like... Stalking them. And, maybe, they were stalking us as well. So, what I mean. I mean that maybe because of them no one tells you anything. But don't worry. Soon or late we'll find out what is happening in this quiet place."

Seems like, Tyler didn't hear last thing Hope said. He paced from side to side, completely ignoring his tired companion.

"Tyler, for God's sake!" Hope suddenly yelled.

"Huh? Sorry, I've been thinking" 

"I noticed" She sighed "Listen, we both are tired. I prefer to search the answers tomorrow"

"You're right" He sat on the chair "But I still don't understand..."

He noticed that Hope wasn't listening to him. She fell asleep very fast. He covered her with a blanket and quietly left the room


                                                              Later this evening

After some time Hope woke up. She realized she was all alone in the room and decided to come outside. Just to look for her friend.

She took the cloak, hid her hair and left the room. Passing through gross people, she reached the streets. 

Evening approached. The sun set down the horizon, and streets was lit by the cold lights. Silence. Only the rustle of fallen November leaves and the sounds of crickets. Hope wasn't so sure if she really should take a walk at this evening (almost night). But her friend never returned, and she doesn't know if he's fine. She took a deep breath and stepped further.

Wandering these streets she realized that she's lost and can't even find the way back home. 

"Halt, stranger!" she heard unknown voice behind her. She was scared and stood in the place. "You're coming with us! In the King's castle"

She didn't know why they want to bring her to the King, but she didn't want troubles for herself. So she followed them


They brought to the throne room and told to wait. Hope wasn't waiting for so long. Very soon someone came to her... He wasn't a Dragon. The girl felt magic, but it was something very different from what she knows. And no one else could feel such power of him.

"Who did you bring to me? Simple child?" His voice was calm, but very dangerous. Then he asked her directly "Are you lost, little girl?"

"Unfortunately, yes, Your Majesty" she replied quietly "I was looking for my friend, and then I lost a way to home"

"I see..." He sighed "What is your name, little girl?"

"My name is Hope, My Lord" She immediately bowed. She knew that she must speak carefully. Any wrong word may cause her own death. And at this moment she understood: he IS the cause of people's fear.

"Hope, you say... A Young Queen, aren't you?" He smiled.

"Yes, your majesty"

"You don't need to hide your hair then." he put the hood from her head off "Don't be afraid, Young Queen. I don't want to hurt you. Oh. Where are MY manners? Completely forgot to say my name. I am..."

"Henning! We caught them!" guardians interrupted him "they tried to break in the castle"

"I see" he sighed very tired. Then he noticed the boy with ruby eyes "come here, young man"

Tyler took one step to him and then noticed Hope. She was sad and confused to see him among other people she never met before.

"I haven't seen you before, young man. I assume, you came together" He pointed at the girl

"Yes, sir" he replied "I beg you to not hurt her"

"I had no plans for it. Tell me. What are you doing among these street rats?"

"I know the truth" He looked at Hope "I know that this kingdom has its own disease. And this is you, King. And I want to help these people and cure this place from such evil entity like you"

"But... You promised..." Hope tried to find right words

"I am so sorry, Hope"

"What a disappointment" Henning chuckled. "Throw them in the dungeon. I'll decide what to do with them tomorrow"

When he said that, the throne room glowed with a scarlet light, and group of strangers disappeared leaving Hope in the castle

"I am so sorry for that" Henning tried to calm Hope down

"Don't say anything, please." She whispered trying to not cry "He just... Lied to me promising to protect me. He betrayed me"

"So what are you going to do then? Don't worry. I will let you go from this place freely. But I would recommend you to stay safe in the castle. The night is dark and full of terrors, and I don't want you to get hurt."


She agreed to stay in the castle. But not as a guest. She made very strange decision. She offered her sword to the King promising to be his shield.


And at this night the paths of our heroes separated, and no one knows when they will fight side by side 

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