Chapter 15. This is How Your Story Ends

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The winter became colder and harsher. Wind brings snow from somewhere far away from these lands covering houses and streets with a thick white and cold blanket. Even though people tried to get rid of the snow, they were the prisoners of an icy cells they call a home.

"This winter will kill us, not the king himself" Tyler sighed "Our magic can't do anything with this blizzard. We can't do anything at all"

"Or can we?" Hope was hanging upside down from a tapestry bar. She heard everything Tyler was saying to himself. "We can do a thing"

"How long were you here?" he was surprised to see her "And... What do you mean by it?"

"Since the moment you remained alone." she giggled then she jumped down to him. Her face became more serious "When I was in the Forbidden Realm, Ahriman said that The Longest Night is not a natural phenomenon. It was created by a young, but powerful Dragon desiring to avenge those who betrayed him." 

"Don't tell me that you mean the events happened between my people and that Black Dragon" 

"This is true" Eclip's voice echoed in the room "Unfortunately, this is true."

"You!" Tyler shouted and attacked him immediately. "How dare you come here and talk to us like nothing happened!?" 

"Hope, I'm here, because Ahriman told me to come" Eclip dodged the attack and continued "Will you listen?"

She nodded.  Then Eclip showed the book. It was surrounded by a strange barrier. 

"What is it? What is this book?" She was sure she hasn't seen this book in The Forbidden Realm.

"This is Exaris" he explained "Ahriman asked me to give this book to you. He said you know what to do with it. But... I don't know how you are going to open it. The spell on it doesn't even let us touch it."

"Look" she showed the other side of the book "There's a text"

"This is not Draconic" he sighed "I don't know this language"

"This is language of The Ancient Dragons" she giggled "Let me"

She took the book and started to read

Those who don't belong to our world can open Exaris. Those who know the truth can read these spells. Those who know the truth can use The Key

The Key... Hope remembered how Ahriman told her about The Key but never mentioned how it looks like or where it is. He said that she would recognize it once it's found. What who or what The Key is? Is The Key her new acquaintance or is it a book?


"Tell me, Eclip" Hope sat next to him "Why did Scarlet ones  banish you?"

"They were afraid of my power" he sighed "I was very different from them, just like you are different from us. I was training a lot, and they've seen it. They were scared for I became stronger than them, so I could defeat them and stop what they were doing those years. They were afraid that I might kill them. Tell me, do I look like a crazed killer? Obviously, not though everyone thinks that I'm like other Black Dragons they know and afraid. They think I'm like those who destroyed your home. So in the end, they've used The Crystal Seal and sent me away from here."

"I don't understand. Ahriman told me that you woke in The Forbidden Realm and that you don't remember anything"

"These are just fragments of memories. You know..."


Wulfrik looked at the book. Then he  turned to his friends and said that he knows how they can open it. He pointed at the thorns. If only they could touch them...

"You will die." Hope interrupted him "And the book will remain closed. We can't open it. We don't have a right for it, if I dare to say it. Only those who don't belong to our world"

"What does it mean?" The Leader asked

"It means that the book might be opened by a person that came here from very far away, not from our kingdoms at all" Tyler came to the room "Allen told me that except of our world, there are a lot of other places, more dangerous than ours. But who might it be?"

"What if it's Alû?" Hope asked "When I was in the hunt, I found that he was not from our lands"

"Alû?" Eclip asked her. He definitely recognized this name like he has seen or heard of him so long ago.

"Yes. The King of Monsters" She nodded "But I haven't heard anything from him for so long. The Blood Moon Cycle is over, now I wonder where he is"

"I don't think that it's him" Wulfrik said calmly "I think that it's you, Eclip. You came to us from nowhere, and we don't know anything about you."

"Tyler knows." he smiled sarcastically "I am from this kingdom. Listen, on the way to this castle, I've seen a strange girl..."

"And you decided to tell it now?" The Leader raised his voice a little.

"Shut up and let me speak" Eclip growled, and his eyes shone. Then he continued calmly "So that girl... She seemed weird. She wasn't from here for sure"

"Maybe she can open the book?"

"The problem is that she appeared, showed me where to go and... Disappeared"

"The girl..." Hope became serious "I think it has something to do with the Anomaly"

"The Anomaly" Eclip repeated the last phrase. "What are you talking about?"

"It's something like our reality was..."

Then Wulfrik screamed loud. Everyone turned to him and noticed the book in his hands

"The voice... The voice made me take the book... The voice made me try to open it... Help" He was trying to breathe.

Then The Leader fell on the floor closing his eyes. Forever this time. He held the book in his hands, but it was closed. Then they heard a voice. A girl's voice

He lied to you. No one made him... Desire to control the black magic took control over him. Tainted his mind and soul since the day The Story started. He wants to learn how to control minds, how to destroy minds just to dethrone your King. I can not let him do it. I am so sorry that you lost your friend... Forgive me.

Eclip... It was me... It was me that girl  you have seen in The Forest. You know who I am. You call my name every night. I only wanted to see you...

Listen to me... The Darkness is coming. You all have to be ready. All of you... Hope, Tyler... Henning and Alû... And you, Eclip...

I will see you soon.

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