Chapter 6. Anomaly and Betrayal

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Obviously, The Leader was away from the Camp this morning. People say, he left them again, looking for food. They worried when he was away for so long.

Hope asked Tyler if she could be outside this house. She can't run away, and she can't use her powers anyway. She is a simple human here. She can't hurt anyone. Tyler hesitated because there was an order to keep the girl inside. But after some thought, he still allowed her to be outside.

Going out into the street, the girl saw how few people were left here. Seems like others were on the Masquerade. Hope still didn't know what exactly happened there, and who survived that evening. Then she noticed people looking at her with so much hatred. One of them attacked her. But the girl had really good reaction, so she dodged his attack taking the sword from hands of this young man. With no meaning to kill him, she threw the sword aside.

"She didn't kill him" Tyler whispered to himself "Perhaps not all is lost. Maybe she can fight by our side."

Then Scarlet Dragon saw that Hope has gone out of his sight. People told him that she went to the Forest


Wandering through the Forest, Hope noticed something she has never seen before: a large scratch gaped on the tree trunk, as if left by an unprecedented monster. It was glowing with different colors and sparkled. But the most weirdest thing was the voice Hope heard in hear head. It became louder and louder with every step closer to the scratch.

Come to me. Do not be afraid. I will show you.

Hope extended her right hand towards the scratch, and a strange light surrounded her.


The girl stood in a room which looked like a laboratory. There was a man, maybe he was 30. He led her to the bed and told her to lie on it. He told her that everything will be alright, and he doesn't have any plans to hurt her.

Starting Protocol 0942...

Object 2859, name yourself. 

You came for ____ Object ____?

The man injected the girl with some kind of injection, and within a couple of minutes, the girl closed her eyes, plunging into a deep sleep.

Remove the useless part. Object's _____.

Erase ____. Fix ____. Add ____. Check ____.

Object 2859. Replacement successful.

Object ____ ready for ____.

Waiting for the Object to wake up. Task: conduct a survey of the Object after _____. Check status ____.


"Hope... Hope...?" the girl heard Tyler's voice in the distance. She slowly opened her eyes. She saw two young men. Tyler and Wulfrik. Scarlet One was sitting in front of her "Hope, are you okay?"

She looked around. She was in the same place, but there were no scratches on the wood. Seems like she fainted. She didn't know how much time has passed, because it was already dark.

"My head..." she put a cold hand to her forehead and, seeing how much she had changed, she screamed. Her right arm was made of steel and something that remind her of veins, was shining

"Calm down, little girl." Wulfrik got closer to her and shut her mouth with is own hand. "What you see now is still you. Now I will let you speak, but you must not scream. Understood?"

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