Chapter 20. Like a Butterfly in a Spider's Web

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The door slowly opened. A stranger entered the cell. There seemed to be no air in the room for a moment. It became difficult for me to breathe, and my vision darkened. The stranger slowly got closer to me and sat in front of me. His eyes shone brightly, and then he smiled. I'm trying to look at him, trying to figure out who he is, but I can't find anything familiar. In an instant, he rose from the floor and walked out, leaving us alone in silence. And at that moment I understood one thing - we need to run away from here.

I get up from the floor and go to the door. It turned out to be unlocked. Turning to you, I ask if you will come with me. You hesitate, but soon agree. You wanted to live.

I open the door


The long corridor filled with the same cells like ours. Some of them are empty. Silence... Only quiet sobs were heard not far from us. I approach the source of the sound and see that there are living people in these cells. When they saw me they got scared, like I was some kind of demon.

"I am not an enemy" I smile calmly, but don't come closer "I want to know who are you."

"We..." the young girl started to talk "we're Enians. Some of us from Xentaron. Henning..."

Henning... This name again. Why don't I remember this name? 

"Henning locked us down here... But... Who are you two?"

"I am Abby, and this is Eclip" I pointed at you "We are the prisoners like you"

"But why are you free, but we're not?" the girl asked

"I... I do not know, but I want to help you" I carefully touch the lock, and door opens.

These people are slowly leave the cell. They are scared, but ready to run away with us. You touch my shoulder.

"Huh? What's wrong?" I turn around to you

"I can get them out of here another way so he doesn't see us. And you move on."

"What? No!" I got panicked. 

"Calm down." you reply calmly "Everything will be alright. We will see each other soon"


And I'm alone again. Taking a deep breath, I go to the exit of the prison. And the bright light blinds me. I am free, but...

I notice that there were guardians in the place I went to. They... Don't look like a human. They are... Monsters. It seems, they don't see me. I move slowly towards the door, but an unfamiliar voice calls out to me. Or so it seems to me that it is unfamiliar.

"Going somewhere, little girl?"

"Oh, I..." I try to say something, but I feel... Fear? I turn to the person who owns this voice. The King stands in front of me. "I... I'm looking for a way out of here"

"A way out... An exit" he repeats this over and over, slowly getting closer to me

At one point it went dark. I realize that I can't move, as if I'm tied up. I can barely breathe...


"Abby, look. This city is Xentaron. Can you see the light far away? These are Enia's lights. They protect us, and we help them. You have to be as brave as they are, my little girl"

Father... Your voice always hunts me in the nightmares... Your voice always hunts me... I always hear you... But why...?


I slowly open my eyes. This... A throne room, I recognize it. But... How am I on Xentaron? Or maybe... I've never left it? I look out the window and see that Xentaron is about to collapse. Not like the houses collapse or anything else, no... It's like... The reality begins to fade... And I'm to blame...

I try to move, but the realization that I am literally in a web instantly brought me to my senses. This is not a simple web. It's like it's made... Of metal and something else that is beyond my understanding. And here comes "Spider".

He stood literally in front of me, as if ignoring my presence. Soon people came... Not shadows... People... Living people... But I... I feel something dark. Something that made my head spin. He started his speech.

"My dearest followers. I am so glad that you and I were finally able to gather here. Tonight will be marked by the fall of old Xentharon and the creation of a new world in which you and I will become gods!"

"No... NO!" I shout.

The creature turned to me, and I realized who it is... This is not a spider... This is... Alû, the King of Monsters... He smiled and got closer.

"Do you like the view?" he asks "You tried to save them all creating new world where they will be alright until reality gets better. You failed. Do you like watching everything you know fade?"

"Why..." I whisper.

"Because the Program never supposed that The Creation enters to save. You wanted to make everything better, but it ended up as always." he laughed "and now everything will die here, and everyone will die there. You've destroyed everything, little girl"

 Alû walked away from me and left the throne room. Silence... It's driving me crazy... I'm trying to get out of this web, but I can't. Something is blocking my powers... Please, someone... Help...


I look at the crumbling Xentaron. The skies, from which the bright sun used to shine, turned scarlet, and dark clouds floated... I see people turning into shadows... Life is leaving this place... 

Why... Just why this all happens? Why me? WHY? Why does this world dying? This can't be true that it's because I am here... This just can't be true...

I just... Wanted to save them... Wanted to destroy The Darkness and make thing better. But I can't... I can't save them all... I can't save cities from The Darkness... I just can't... 

I feel something grows inside... Despair... Fear... Pain... I feel... Grief...?


I don't know how many days passes since I've been trapped in the web... But this deadly silence drives me crazy... I hear the door squeaking. Then I hear someone's coming. I open my eyes. My vision in a blur, so I can't recognize anyone

"Who... are you?" I can barely speak

"Shh! He will hear us" this voice belonged to Malphas. Oh, I am so happy that you found me, but... Something's wrong.

A moment, and I'm flying down, but its hands deftly catch me.

"Can walk?" he asks landing the ground.

"I... No" I shake my head. "But what are you doing here?"

"Stay away from her!" Hope's voice came from afar, then lightning struck next to us. She... Missed? "Get away from the girl!"

What is happening? Malphas? What's wrong with you? Your eyes are bright-red again. I felt its claws dig into my skin.

"Or what?" it hissed holding me in his arms "You'll kill me?"

"Malphas, you..." I suddenly became silent catching its mad stare

In an instant, darkness surrounded us, and I don't know where it will lead us. But one thing I know for sure: I'm trapped

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