Chapter 22. Eclipse

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Where... Am I? I... Don't remember anything... There's so cold...

I slowly open my eyes. Cold light blinded me for awhile. It took some time for my eyes to get used to this light. After a moment I realized where I am. Is that... A laboratory? This place... It reminds me of my nightmares with a giant beast that tried to kill me. But... No one's here. Only humming lamps emitting pale light. But what is it? I can't move? But how? No no. This can't be reality. Help...

Two people entered the room. Their faced were hidden under the hoods and they were talking to each other. I couldn't understand what they were talking about, but seeing that they looked at me sometimes, they didn't have anything good in plans. 

Suddenly they became silent staring at me. Suspecting that I could hear their conversation, they moved a little further. Awareness of the danger immediately ran a chill down my spine. But what can I do? I'm trapped, not really knowing what exactly they're going to do to me. But one thing is clear: something needs to be done before they do anything.


The sky, which had recently been covered with black clouds, became clear again. However, what distinguished it from the light of the sun was its bloody hue. The sun, which once warmed people, shone with a cold red light, signaling the imminent Eclipse. Eclipse. Both the inhabitants of Enia and people of Xentaron feared this. With an Eclipse comes suffering. With the Eclipse comes Darkness. With the Eclipse comes Death.

The two silhouettes that appeared at the door of the throne room were Malphas and Tyler. No one knew exactly where or how Malphas found him, but everyone was worried about only one thing: where was Abby?

"So here comes the traitor" Ahriman appeared in the middle of the arena. "I remember I asked you to kill the girl, but never help her. I wonder what exactly happened so you've got... A heart?"

"I always had it, Creator. Just... Your methods are not my thing. Make her trust me just to deceive and take her life... Isn't it the same thing you wanted to do with the one the girl loves the most?" Malphas pointed at Eclip "You think, I don't know why you're here? You think, if you kill the boy here and take the girl's life there, you will be powerful and no one will oppose you anymore? You are mistaken."

"ENOUGH!" Ahriman yelled. His shout echoed far away from the castle. He knew  his own Creation tells the truth, and he was afraid of it, but never shown this. "You've been created for one purpose. Instead, you pursued another... But this is fixable." his eyes shone red. With that Malphas, being hypnotized, bowed to his Creator. "Much better. Now find the girl. Bring her to me. And then I'll decide what to do with her... And with you as well."

Nodding, Malphas disappeared, leaving the heroes alone with The Darkness itself. As for the heroes... They were already preparing to attack, but Ahriman did not allow it. Like a puppeteer, he controlled their bodies. Frozen in place, like statues, they realized that they were doomed.


These people came to me again. They... Stare at me.

"Excuse me" I started "But... Who are you? And what are you going to do with me?"

"Is it that important?" the boy asked "Does a mouse ask a cat when the cat will kill the mouse? Before dying, does a butterfly ask a spider how it will kill it?"

"Stop scaring our guest, brother Dark. We were told to hold the girl here for an Eclipse. After it... Ahem... Nevermind." the girl's voice sounded softly. She asked her brother to shut up. I actually thought they were cultists who ran The Cult of The Darkness in our Xentaron. "Dear Abby, you don't need to be afraid of us. We don't want to hurt you. I, Ness, guarantee you that you are safe as long as you remain here with us."

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