Epilogue. A New Horizon

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Night. Laboratory. Our heroes finally wake up from the longest slumber right where Abby left them last time they saw Her.

The Machine that buzzed for all the time, fell in silence forever leaving no opportunity to launch it again and return to  that world. But... It seems, something changed here too. As if two worlds, Crystal Kingdoms and Xentaron with Enia, merged in one. All the memories people got there have been saved. Heroes remembered everything before new life  to the moment they've been disconnected from The Program.

It was silent in the room. Hope and Tyler after waking up left the room. But Eclip was sitting on the bed and stared in the void. He couldn't believe in what just happened. After some time he forced himself to stand from bed. He slowly went to The Machine and started to press every button, trying to launch it again. There was no signs of life from The Machine.

"It's useless, Eclip" the silence was broken by Hope's voice. "She did everything she could to make sure we won't try to return to save her. I am so sorry..."

"No!" his voice broke into a scream.

"Eclip... She sacrificed herself to know we'll stay alive. She sacrificed herself to know you'll stay alive. Listen. Even if can launch The Machine... I doubt that she wanted this. Just... May her sacrifice not be in vain, okay? She was strong for us. And now you have to be strong for her.

The girl put her arm on his shoulder and looked in his eyes, smiling calmly. Then she put the letter in his arms and left the room, leaving him alone with an envelop and his own thoughts. With trembling hands, Eclip opened envelop and started to read  the letter


If you're reading this letter, it means, that you've returned Home, and I remained in The Void. I'm writing this letter, knowing that you'll do anything to bring me back. But before you do anything, please, read this letter. Then you'll understand everything, okay?

The first reason why I did this and no other way, was you... Sound banal, I know. I just want you to know how hard it was for me to let you in those lands full of danger... Knowing that you almost died while entering The Program. I had to put false memories so you could get at least a little comfortable there. I couldn't expect that you won't lose your own memories from this life, so you've remembered some old friends  there

The second reason why I did this and no other way were our friends. Wulfrik died before your awakening. And I didn't want to lose my friends anymore. I couldn't have imagined something like that would happen, knowing that Hope... She didn't die, did she? You saved her. You and my Father. For the moment you read this letter, I probably know who my Father is now.

And, finally, the third reason why I did this and no other way became the lack of any hope of salvation. I've thought for so long how to save everyone without any damage, but... The Darkness got closer to The Tower. Malphas offered to defeat Ahriman inside The Program, but everything went out of plan. And now I'm here, and you're so far from me.

Understand, I absolutely didn't want it to be like this, but it's exactly the way it is now. And I really didn't want to leave you all with new problems two merged worlds would bring very soon. But I'm sure you can handle this together. I have faith that you will build a better world on the ashes of the past. You have power now. I believe in you.

Before I go, I want to apologize... I know how much you worry about me. But I left you here, and you don't even know if  I'm alive. Even I'm not sure if I'm alive. So this might me my one last letter to you.

Eclip... Thank you for everything... And good luck in a New World. I love you.

- Forever your Abby


Finishing reading, Eclip looked in the window and saw the sun rises, lighting with its light streets no longer silent. People, who became shadows by the Darkness' hands, became real again and saw faces of those they loved the most.

The life returned to the once quiet and deserted kingdoms, almost destroyed by the hands of one single person, who was forever lost in the Void along with the one thanks to whom people were able to see the New Horizon

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