Chapter 12. Nightmare

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Where... Am I...? It's so cold and dark here. And there's no one around... I am alone... Father... Where are you? Anybody... Help... Please... I'm so scared...

What is it? Shadows? They... They come to me... I recognize you... But who are the others? Later, your shadows began to take on human features. I see you. I know who you are. You are by objects. Why did you surround me? What you need?

Why did you do this to us?

Are we toys for you?

We feel pain. And we feel fear. All because of you!

No... No! Shut up! SHUT UP! I don't want to listen to you! Shut up! I clutch my head and fall to my knees in front of you. You are getting closer and closer.

I open my eyes. I see Enia and Xentaron. But not through the window of my Tower. I'm like a bird in the sky. But I can't move, like my hands are tied to something. I look around, then I look down. I'm on... the cross? What happened to me?

You will suffer just like you made us suffer!

You deserve it!

Abby... I am so sorry...


Quiet squeak of the door brings me back to reality. I open my eyes and realize that I'm in my room though I remember that I was sitting near you. I'm always sitting near you.

"For the first time in days you fell asleep" this voice belonged to Malphas. "I decided that it'd be better for you to sleep in a warm bed instead of the cold floor near his bed"

I immediately jumped up. How long did I sleep? What happened while I was away? And most importantly, are you okay? I ran to my laboratory. You're still sleeping. But the red lights and siren tell me that something's wrong.

Darkness... It still tries to break into the Tower. It still tries to take you all... I will never let it take you. I've never let.


I can't fight it anymore... I'm too weak... I can't protect you... Anybody... Eclip... Help... It hurts me...

I lie on the ground and look into what was once the sky. I don't see anything... Endless void... I close my eyes... I'm ready to be taken by the shadows... I feel something lift me off the ground. Where... Where are they taking me? What is happening...?

"You needed to rest instead of trying to fight" it put me on my bed. "In your condition to fight the Darkness is suicide"

"I tried... To protect them..." I turned to the wall, hugging the pillow

"Obviously. But what if you'd die?"

"Tell me, Malphas..." I turned to it "You take care of me because the Father asked you? Or it was Eclip? Or..."

"I have my own reasons to help you" he replied shortly "You need to rest a little. Leave The Darkness to me. It's getting stronger and fiercer every day. Very soon it will break in. Do you have any plans for it?"

"I... I don't know... I don't even know why The Darkness consumed these two cities... As long as I live..."

Abby... Abby...

I hear you're calling me. I ran to you... You're still sleeping, but... You continue calling me. I check your state and sit down on the ice floor next to your bed again.

"Why don't you just disconnect him?"

"Impossible" I answered with a trembling voice "if I disconnect him - he will die. There's two ways to return... Death or The Key"

"The Key? What is it?"

"The Key helping close the program and return them back, but..." I suddenly became silent.

"But? Wait... Are you crying?"

"When they return, they will not remember who they were before connecting to the Crystal Kingdoms... They'll return with the memories they've got there. He... He will not remember me."


I'm here again... There's still so dark and so cold... But you are here. I'm getting closer and closer to you. You're silently looking at me. In your eyes I see the pain. Please... Please forgive me... I should've told you before... It wouldn't stop you anyway... I know it.

I have no strength left... I fall on my knees in front of you and quietly whisper your name again and again. But you silently leave... No... No! Don't walk away... Please! Stay with me!

"Eclip!" my voice sounded like an echo in this void.

You've stopped. You... You can hear me! You slowly walked to me and sat down in front of me.

"You... You're crying again..."

"Eclip... I..." I'm trying to say something, but I can't find right words.

"Abby..." you sighed "I knew what I was signed up for. If you blame yourself for the fact that I will forget you when I wake up... You don't have any fault."

"But... I..."

"Shh... Calm down. Everything will be alright" you smiled trying to calm me down "I promise"

I try to hug you, but like a shadow you dissolve in my arms...

It's so cold and dark here. And there's no one around... I am alone...

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