Chapter 19. The Truth

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Our world... What is it for real? Reality? Program? Or just a figment of some sick imagination... Who am I? What am I?  Why do I feel things I'm not suppose to feel? Why do I have so many memories, but don't remember how I got them? Why do I have many questions? Father, I'm so scared... Where are you?


Hope and Tyler went looking for Abby and Eclip. This time, they were sure that their new acquaintances were in the Forbidden Realm. The girl left a clue for the heroes where to go... What kind of clue, you ask... A piece of the destroyed shield that Abby picked up before entering the throne room of that castle and the phrase that she said to them some time ago. She knew that she would not hide from the eyes of Darkness so easily. Something had to be done.

The heroes made their way through the forest, gradually approaching the castle. Closer to the destination, the forest looked worse and worse, as if someone was burning trees. Soon they began to see houses... Or rather, what was left of them. Destroyed buildings and scorched fields, coupled with deathly silence here, evoked not the most pleasant thoughts. Life has left this place forever.

Hope stopped. She recognized this place. It was her home. This is the place where one story ended, but another began. The Dragons died here... People died here... The Young Queen died here...

"Hope, is everything alright?" Tyler stopped realizing that she doesn't follow him. "You... You're crying"

"This place... Was my home... I promised to never return... Tyler..."

"Home? Hope, I am so sorry... If you want, we can return and..."

"NO! No... They're in danger and we must save them." she interrupted him. As painful as it was, she knew what she had to do.

The heroes moved deep into the dead place, slowly approaching the castle. The feeling of anxiety grew with every step. They stopped at a huge door.

"Here we are" Hope said uncertainly. Her voice trembled. She was haunted by the feeling that when she re-entered those doors, she would be captured by the Black Dragons, formerly known as the Golden ones.

Tyler opened the door. The castle really looked ruined. Columns, stairs, walls... Everything was destroyed and long overgrown with unknown plants. Not far from the stairs lay a weapon. It belonged to one of the Dragons. Hope stepped closer and examined him. A strange pattern, somewhat similar to text in an unknown language, immediately shone.

Light in Dark... Light... In Dark... Hope heard familiar voice... Her mother's voice.

"What is it?" Tyler pointed to the text "Is it Draconic?" 

"The Light in Dark" Hope whispered "It's not a riddle. I know where to go. Follow me"

Tyler, perplexed, followed his friend. As soon as they entered here, she acted strangely, as if it wasn't her at all. Where she leads them, and what will happen next, he didn't know. The corridors they made their way down became darker and darker, as if they were descending into the void.

"Hope...? Maybe you tell me where we're going?"

"Someone awaits us already. Don't ask questions. Just follow me" her voice changed. He no longer sounded uncertain or scared. The girl quickened her pace.

And now something is already blocking the passage further. They are in place. The Flameless One lit up the space around them. Flames of different colors lit up on torches. A large door was now visible, overgrown with various plants with thorns. The girl turned to her friend.

"Someone awaits us already." she repeated her phrase "The one who awaits us is too powerful. Avoid the eye contact with it. And don't believe everything it'll say. It knows everything, and it knows how to trick you. If you value your life, don't let it trick you. It'll find the moves to do it."

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