Chapter 3. The Stranger

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The Storm was a couple of days away. And people, from the redneck to the noble, were preparing for the upcoming Masquerade. Some felt that holding such an event was a waste of time. Others understood that before the coming dark times, people need light and warmth more than ever.

Today, the guards let anyone into the castle, although Hope was categorically against allowing the people of the Resistance to enter. Something told her that today's holiday would be spoiled, although she was assured that everything would be fine.

During the preparations for the holiday, strangers were already wandering around the castle\

"Henning" Hope entered the throne room "Don't you think that... What is it?" the girl pointed to the blue dress.

"Your dress for this evening" he replied calmly "Do you like it?"

"Not really. I'm 13, and this dress is... Too open for me."

"So what do you want then?"

"Not wear this dress at all and take my weapon. I'll take the mask."

"We've discussed it already. I want to see you in this dress this evening." he smiled "So what did you want to ask me?"

"About people wandering around the castle here and there. Who the heck are they? And why so early?"

"These people are our guests from other kingdoms, my dear. Except of the North one"

"Obviously" she sighed "But what about The Scarlet One and his allies? Have you really invited them?"

"Yes. Now go. I don't need you as a defense today."

With a displeased snort, the girl left the throne room and returned to her room (she had a room in the castle as Henning promised to her). In her room there was The Stranger she has never seen before. It seems like he came to talk, not to fight. He silently stood and looked. The black hood hid his face, and only two green eyes were seeable.

"Greetings, little girl" his voice sounded like an echo in her head. "Seems like you enjoy the place where  you are. Seems like  you enjoy being who you are today"

"Who... Are you? And why is there so cold?"

"You may call me The Ghost. I came to your world from The Empire of Steel"

"From... The Empire of Steel" she repeated the last words

"You, mortals, used to call my world The Far Side"

"What do you want? Did you come after..."

"No. I came not after you, little girl. I am here to talk to you. Here to tell you about..."

"Henning." she finished sentence. "I'm not interested in what you are going to say" she turned around to the door which was blocked by the wall of ice

"Enough of this, little girl." his voice was becoming louder and serious "I am not your King, and with me your rudeness will not work. You MUST listen to me"

"Let me out of here, or I'll..." Hope realized that she was powerless to such a powerful creature like The Ghost. She didn't have any other choices, but to listen to him.

"Good girl. Now listen. There's a hard purpose fell on your shoulders. You must kill Henning"

"What?" she was surprised

"This is your fate, little girl" he replied "I know now he is  the one and only close person to you. But very soon you'll see how awful this human is... If I can even call him a human"

"How soon?"

"As soon as you return home."

His last words sounded very distant from where Hope was. The Ghost disappeared leaving so many questions. Home? Return? If this place is not their home... Then were it is?


The evening started. Everyone already arrived the throne room. And Leader's people came too. All except of Tyler. He didn't come. Seems like, no one cared about it, but Hope had a bad feeling.


She came to the mirror and looked at herself. The long indigo dress and butterfly winged shoes made her feel uncomfortable. 

"This dress is awful." she heard her own voice in her head "Why couldn't he choose something else? Or let ME choose it? I can't even hide a weapon..."

"You look amazing" she heard a voice from the window side. This was Tyler's voice "Are you going to visit Masquerade in this dress?"

"How long were you...?" she was confused

"Don't worry, I haven't seen you changing clothes, if you're about it" he laughed "I'm here to talk"

"Go away, or I'll call the guardians"

"You can't fight yourself? Or you don't want to mess up with your King's gift?" he wanted to joke, but, caught her mad stare, became silent.

"See you on the Masquerade" she smiled.

But Tyler didn't hear her.


Wearing the black feathered mask on her face, Hope went to Henning.

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