Chapter 7. Malphas

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 There was so bright in the room. Henning woke up. It was a deep night, but something or someone turned it into day. The King sat on the bed trying to focus his sight, and sooner he has seen a winged silhouette. It was slowly closing in making Henning shivering either of cold or of fear. 

"Greetings, Henning." its voice sounded very loud in Henning's head deafening him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Henning's voice trembling. He has never felt so much fear before. 

The silhouette didn't respond. The lights turned off for a few seconds, and only candles went on fire making Henning easy to see the stranger. The silhouette that stood next to the King's bed began to take on details.

And soon the creature showed itself. It was a human...? There were two black crow-like wings behind its back. Its face didn't show any emotion, but its eyes full of hatred shone in the bleak light of the room. Then Henning noticed on its neck and arms something similar to the feathers. Black feathers. 

"My name is Malphas" it said its name aloud, causing the windows in the room to crackle.

"It is impossible to listen to your voice." Henning covered his ears with his hands, trying to drown out the voice of this creature.

"When you, mortals, hear something that is beyond your comprehension, you immediately close your ears. You are so pathetic." it laughed and then, with a wave of its hand, it and Henning found themselves elsewhere. In another... World? "Here you can listen to me without any problem, human"

"Why did you come to me?" The King asked it

"I need your soul" it replied "Don't worry. You won't die. But you will have a faithful and powerful ally by your side. More powerful than that little traitor in a face of a blue-haired Dragon girl you gladly gave to The Leader and his friend. I will help you to defeat The Rebellion"

"blue-haired Dragon girl... Are you speaking about... Hope?" Henning was surprised to hear about her.

"Indeed." it nodded "You think, when she returns to you, everything will be as before? You are mistaken, mortal. The clockwork is spinning on and you can't stop it."

"What... No! She won't betray. She belongs to ME!" he yelled.

Malphas shook its head and laughed loud.

"You, humans, are so stupid and naive. In the Empire of Steel you welcome you with open arms. But in the Kingdom of Silence... Hahaha... Henning, are you agree?


Henning awoken in a cold sweat. Was it all a dream? Who was that stranger? Malphas... Seems like, Henning heard its name before. But when? And where?

Henning left his bed and went to the old library. If he recalls correctly, there was a book about every creature. And there was an information about Malphas.

Spent a lot of time, The King finally found an old and dusty book. Seems like, no one touched this book like it was so long ago.

Creatures and monsters of Crystal Kingdoms. Tome I - golden letters glowed in the dark.

Flipping old pages and reading names of the creatures, he noticed some of those who he heard about. Those who really exist...?

"Alu... No, I don't need to know about it. Dragons... No. Grogo, the giant elemental bear... Heh, no." Henning was saying their names loud... And very soon he found this page. "Here it is! Malphas."

That's what he needs. But it's page looked... Weird... Different from other pages. Like it's been written not so long ago. And not written in ink at all. The king ran his hand over the paper. There was no sign of ink on his fingers. If it's not the ink... Then what?

Getting the candle closer to the book, Henning started to read. 

Name: Malphas

Age: Unknown

Race: Unknown

Titles: Virus, mostly known as King of Night

Appearance: creature looks like a human. It has two black feathered wings similar to a crow. On its neck and hands there are black... Feathers...?

Weapon: Unknown

How to fight: _________

"Well" Henning sighed "Seems like there's no information about Malphas in the book... But why is this page here at all? Huh? What is it?"

He noticed another sheet. It was definitely written in ink. And the text was written by someone who was on a hurry. 

Hey... Hey...? I don't know who you are... But if this could save a life, then my sacrifice was not a waste. My mind... is corrupted... My body has been taken, and I am so far away from these lands now. Please... If you found it, if you read it. Believe, trust me. I want to save you.

If someday in the night you will see its red eyes... NEVER ACCEPT ITS DEAL! It will tell you what it wants directly. It will tell that it needs  your soul. It will promise you everything you want... If you have nowhere to run - DO NOT LISTEN! IGNORE IT! Don't let it take control over your mind. Don't let it take your body.

If you accepted its deal - YOU'RE DOOMED! It's so strong... Can't fight it... I can't resist. My faith is too weak. It can't be killed... DON'T TRY TO TRICK HIM! I beg you...

If you met him before you find me... I am so sorry...


In that moment something or someone closed the book, and there became colder in the library like the coldest winter has started.

"Don't believe everything they S4Y. I know you find it hard to trust me. Don't believe in every story 'bout me." an echo of its voice sounded in Henning's head.

"I don't need anything from you, Demon!" Henning yelled "Go away from my castle!"

"Or you will call your Sentinel? Ah, wait. You can't... Hahaha..." Malphas appeared in front of Henning. Its malevolent smile made Henning shiver. "Fine... I will let you be... For now... But, believe me... We will see each other once again. If not in here... In Xentaron then. Hahaha..."


Henning remained alone with his thoughts in an empty library. The shatters of his memories tried to piece together. But he couldn't remember anything about what "Xentaron" is... There was no book which could give him information about it. Perhaps, all answers lie beyond our world - in The Forbidden Realm

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