Chapter two - Is she real

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Bluebella hated walking. It was slow and seemed to get you from A to B a lot slower than she would have liked. It also meant that she had to leave the comfort of her home earlier to make sure she wasn't late. 

So in her knit dress and chunky shoes she headed off to school, her head held high and proud. The cool air had not quite hit beacon hills yet, but gone were the days of unbearable heat so she felt quite comfy in the clothes she had chosen. Her arms bare, you could see the glint of a golden snake bracelet wrapping up her arm, matching the golden band she still adorned on her head.  

Bluebella was very content. Until a black camaro slowed down in front of her, and Derek Hale rolled down his window.

"Need a ride?" he asked. Bluebella looked at him, an unreadable expression on her face before breaking into a sweet smile  "If you're offering," she said.

Derek had decided to keep a checklist of all the things he found strange about Bluebella.

1. she had no real scent

2. she could carry four big boxes with ease

3. she was never scared

As she climbed in the car and shut the door, Derek drove off. He studied her behaviour. She was sat upright, her posture perfect. Her hands were clasped down in front of her, her head straight and eyes forward. She made no effort to converse, rather sat comfortably in the silence. 

She was like a statue.  

He broke the silence"What brings you to Beacon Hills then?" 

She let out a small laugh.  "Are you trying to interrogate me Derek Hale?"

"Not at all, just trying to make conversation,"

Even her laugh was perfect, not in a romantic way but like she had rehearsed it a thousand times.

She smiled slightly, a smile which said she knew more than him, but her heart rate stayed the same. She showed no sign nor trace of fear. The only thing he could smell was the lingering sadness. 

"If you must know I had some old friends here some time ago, but I didn't realise how long I had been gone and when I arrived I found them to be long gone too," It sounded as if she was hinting to something but Derek couldn't figure out what.

"Are you always this Vague?" Derek asked speeding the car up slightly as he rounded the corner.

"I often find it keeps things interesting." Bluebella responded. Her eyes never wavered from the road, as if she was simply having a conversation with an old friend.

Derek stopped the car outside the school. "Who were your friends? The ones that moved?"

Bluebella smiled her same distant smile, "Oh Derek Hale, I know you know the answer to that one,"

And with that she got out of the car and walked up the school steps.

4. He never told her his last name 

Derek drove away, even more puzzled than when he first met the girl, and wondering why there was something vaguely familiar about her.

Bluebella stopped behind a strawberry blonde girl in a purple dress. "You alright? You look a little pale,"

The strawberry blonde turned with an eyebrow raised "I was running naked in the woods for days, what do you expect?"

Allison stepped forward, nudging her best friend "This is Bluebella, she's new. Bluebella this is Lydia, she's had a...tough week,"

Bluebella smiled "It's nice to meet you, running naked in the woods would not have been my favorite pastime, but it's good exercise I suppose,"

Lydia smiled "I lost nine pounds,"

The three stepped forward to go through the doors, but Lydia hesitated

"Are you sure you're ready?" Allison asked gently

"Please, it's not like my aunt's a serial killer,"

And with that Lydia was off, Allison gave Bluebella an embarrassed smile, but the girl seemed unbothered, and simply kept the door open for Allison

When they stepped into the corridor, time seemed to stop as the entirety of the student body stopped to stare. Some whispered to their friends, some just seemed in shock that Lydia had dared to show up.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds?" Suggested Allison

"Walk like nothing happened, and they'll treat you like nothing happened," Came Bluebella's advice as she squeezed Lydia's hand.

The shorter girl nodded slightly, lifted her head and strutted like the queen bee that she was down the corridor.

Bluebella smiled slightly, she could tell that her and Lydia would be the best of friends.


"He what?"

"Derek wants to kill Bluebella, he thinks she dangerous." 

Stiles and Scott, still tired from practise were taking the slow amble to class, completely uncaring if they were late. Scott had filled Stiles in about Derek and Bluebella.

"Why? She hasn't even done anything,"

"She hasn't got a scent Stiles, apparently thats unheard of." Said Scott with a sigh

"Maybe she just washes really well, just because Derek doesn't understand personal hygiene."

Scott huffed a laugh "We just have to look out for her, I doubt Derek will do anything without solid proof,"

"Great and how exactly are we gonna do that?" asked Stiles as he opened the door to the next class

"Guess we'll have to be friends with Bluebella Cwen," 

Luckily for them, Bluebella was still sat in her seat next to where Scott would be sat. She saw the two boys just standing in the doorway staring at her so she offered them a little wave.

"Well this got a bit easier,"

Scott took his usual seat next to her, but Mr Harris decided he wanted to make life more difficult.

"Miss Cwen, take Mr whittemores empty seat, I believe you would benefit working alone today, I was deeply impressed with your test scores."

Bluebella bowed her head, before gathering her books and moving to the vacant seat.

"Well this got a bit harder," Something dawned on Stiles, as he swiveled on his seat with a little more speed and a little less grace then perhaps necessary. 

"Hey Blue, do you know where Jackson is?"

The girl blinked at him, "I - He's in the principal's office I think, talking to the sheriff." 

From over his shoulder, Scott was sure he heard a bit of nervousness in her voice. Why was she so calm around everyone else but so clearly terrified as someone as defenceless as Stiles? Stiles, however, did not seem to notice the girl's nerves around him, carried on his interrogation. 


It was Danny who chimed in this time "Probably because he lived across the street from Isaac,"

Stiles turned back to Scott whilst Danny leaned over to Bluebella "Don't mind him, his dads the Sheriff so he fancies himself the detective,"

Bluebella gave him a small smile before returning to her paper.

She was interrupted by someone giggling in the class and Harris' stern face scanning the room.

"Who in the hell did that?"

She watched as both Stiles and Scott got sent to the principal's office in slight amusement.

She turned to Danny "Does this happen often?"

Danny laughed "You have no idea - hey what did you get for question fifteen?"

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