Chapter seven - Past

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Bluebella woke the next morning to a banging on her front door. Blinking the sleep out of her eyes she trudged down the stairs in her green fluffy robe.

To her surprise Stiles stood there, with a white box in his hands. She raised her eyebrows at him as he gave her a small grin.

"Here to pick you up!" he announced stepping into the living room.

"School doesn't start for two hours Stiles, why are you so early?" 

Stiles shrugged "Allison and Scott need to talk, but they can only do that before class and Scott lost his car privileges because Jackson got a restraining order against us and wants me to pick him up,"

Bluebella's slight frown was kept on her face as she nodded, deciding not to question the restraining order.

"Oh and I saw that you always eat fruit so I got you some breakfast," Stiles opened the box to reveal and assortment of chopped kiwi, mango and melon.

Bluebella smiled "Thanks Stiles. Give me two minutes to get dressed,"

Whilst she went upstairs Stiles decided to have a little more of a snoop around her house. Her living room, he had decided was quite cozy. She had two mustard yellow sofas up against the wall, with a hanging circular chair between them. The wall behind the hanging chair was painted a forest green, and decorated with shelves adorned with old books. Two bookshelves stood proudly in the corner of the room, but they were mostly holding a variaty of plants. She had a bay window which she had turned into a seating area with yellow and green cushions. In the middle a small coffee table with small engravings held a bowl full of fruit, and beside it almost tucked away a slip of paper.

Stiles looked back to where Bluebella had left before taking the paper. It looked old, the edges of it were yellow, and the writing was smudged in places.


I know you told me not to write as it is too dangerous. So I will make this quick. Father is looking for you. Be careful, and don't do anything that will help him track you.

Your brother,


Stiles furrowed his brows. Surely if her parents were that desperate they would have reported her missing. He quickly put the note back where he found it before attempting to sit on the hanging chair.

He was very disappointed to find that it was actually quite difficult to sit on.

Bluebella soon came down, wearing a long green skirt that sat low on her hips, and a brown lace tank top that hung low enough to show a thin strip of her stomach. She threw on her woolen cardigan before grabbing the box that Stiles got her.

"You ready?" 

Bluebella nodded, her mouth full of food.

Hopping in the car, she was oblivious to Stiles' mind racing. He was tempted to ask her about it, but didn't want to get on her bad side again. He also didn't want to lie to her.

"I er..saw the note your brother sent you,"

Bluebella stopped eating.

"You don't have to tell me anything I just -"

Bluebella cut him off "It's alright Stiles. I should have known you couldn't help yourself."

There was a brief silence, where Stiles tried to figure out if he was going to be told anything or not.

"I ran away before, a few years ago. My parents didn't come looking, but when I went back to grab my things they caught me. I didn't expect them to come looking for me this time that's all,"

Bluebella - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now