Chapter twenty seven - All I see is Jealousy

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"Have you guys seen Blue?" Stiles asked nervously "She didn't come home last night,"

After spending the night saving Kira from Barrow, and winding up being questioned by police the thoughts of Bluebella's whereabouts left his mind. She was known for disappearing and he assumed she had just gotten bored and gone home.

He lay awake that night waiting for her, though his anxiety only grew stronger when she never came. 

He now confronted the group, Scott, Isaac and Lydia in an effort to clarify where she had gone.

Unfortunately none of them knew.

"She's probably off saving Derek again, or found something family related you know what she's like," Scott reassured not sounding too fussed. 

Lydia nodded "Yeah I've not had any feeling about her like I had about Kira," she reasoned but Stiles shook his head.

"She's not answering her phone, she always answer's."

"No she doesn't," Isaac argued, frowning slightly.

"Correction. She always answers me," Stiles spoke looking slightly smug. Isaac gave him a grin and clapped his shoulder.

"She always answers Derek too doesn't she?" he grinned.

Stiles went slightly red and Scott clipped Isaac round the back of the head.

"Stop worrying Stiles, Bluebella can look after herself okay?"

"Yeah, we'll find you after class Stiles okay? We'll let you know if she calls any of us," Lydia said, and as she left Isaac followed suit, leaving Scott with an agitated Stiles.

"I know she disappears a lot Scott but this is different," Stiles fretted "No note, no text, no response to any of my...fifteen voicemails, nothing," As he opened his mouth to start worrying again the coach walked past him, holding a megaphone in his hands.

"Class starts in five minutes. Just because there's no power don't expect there to be no school." he called, receiving lots of eye rolls from the students.

"That was a triple negative. Very impressive, coach." Stiles commented, and Coach nodded at him.

"Copy that."

Stiles felt his phone vibrate, and quicky scrambled to grab it from his pocket almost dropping it in the process.

"Is it Bluebella?" asked Scott with an amused grin at his friend. 


Quit your panicking, she's fine. She's with me. I'll bring her home later 

"Well that's awful," Stiles said, frowning.

Scott shrugged "They are friends, she probably crashed at his place and just woke up,"

"Crashed at his place?" Echoed Stiles "He's twice her age, it's gross," 

Scott pursed his lips to stop himself from smiling at his friends an antics. "Well you've got to remember they used to be the same age. "

"But why Derek?" Stiles complained even louder "He's grumpy, and evil and not in the least bit funny -  he are you listening to me or -" As Stiles followed Scott's gaze he realised exactly who he was staring at.

"No. No. Stop. Stop." Stiles commanded, a hand on his friends chest.

"What? - I need to talk to her." Whined Scott

"Someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her." 

"Which is why I need to talk to her."

Stiles took a breath, a rush of frustration sinking into his voice. He wasn't sure if it was Kira, or the fact that Bluebella was with Derek that was getting him so het up.

"Scott, no way. Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction."

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