Chapter twenty eight - I told you I'd come back for you

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Bluebella awoke the next morning feeling rather sick. She sank down in-front of her vanity mirror and winced at the sight. Her skin was dull and lifeless, her hair was messy and unkempt, and their were dark circles under her eyes - well there always were but these were worse.

She started twisting her hair into two braids, disguising it's messy look, before dotting concealer on her face.

She pulled on her white skirt and thick green jumper, desperate to remain cozy. 

"Come on Stiles!" she called, knocking on his bedroom door "We gotta get going!"

Stiles stumbled out of the room, clearly haven just woken up and very dishevelled. "Give me five minutes," he said before shutting the door.

Bluebella sighed, slumping down into a kitchen chair and picking at the bowl of nuts that was in the centre of the table.

"It's morning already?" Came the sleepy voice of Noah Stilinski. He adorned his sheriff uniform, which by the looks of it he had slept in.

"Unfortunately," said Bluebella yawning "Cashew?" she offered. Noah shook his head,

"No thanks, I'll stick to coffee," he nodded, pouring an extra large bout of coffee into a mug. t was then Stiles came stumbling into the room, his dark circles even worse than Bluebella's.

"You were both up last night?" The sheriff asked raising his eyebrows. 

"I wasn't," yawned Bluebella "I just feel so...yuck," she said shutting her eyes tightly.

The Sherriff frowned "Maybe you two should take the day off, you don't look so good,"

But the two teenagers shook their heads.

"No, I've got English and Geography today, they're like my worst subjects," Bluebella moaned. "Come on Stiles,"

Bluebella didn't see Stiles for most of the morning, not that she was missing him. Lydia made sure to keep her updated on all the latest gossip, including all the new people, who was dating who, and the fact that Bluebella seemed to be dying as well.

"Huh?" Bluebella asked sleepily.

"I said, why do you look like that? I thought Faerie' magic cured all or whatever," Lydia asked. Bluebella shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm sleeping fine, faeries don't get nightmares. But I'm waking up with these godawful headaches everyday,"

Lydia frowned "Maybe it's related to Stiles? He's getting headaches too you know," 

Bluebella shook her head again "His started weeks ago, mine started...three days ago? It might just be stress,"

Lydia pursed her lips "I don't know. It feels more than that,"

Bluebella tried not to let Lydia's words plague her but the girl held some truth. Faeries were not like humans, their body didn't crumble when the slightest thing wasn't right. Headaches, nightmares, earaches just were not common in the fae world.

Well she was in her human form. 

"Hey Blue - what's that you're writing?" Scott asked quizzically. He was staring down at his friends paper, where she was trailing off into some... Well something.

Bluebella blinked, looking down.

"cando unha porta non é unha porta" she read allowed. She blinked, utterly confused. "When did I do that?"

"What is it?" asked Scott.

"It's's my home language. "

"What does it say?" asked Scott Seriously. His expression held concern for his friend, who seemed to be losing the plot. Before Bluebella could say anything back, the coach shouted over the class.

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