Chapter twenty-two - Matching Wounds

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Bluebella was back at her easel, paintbrush in hand. As Stiles wandered through the open door, he took a long look at the painting. It wasn't scenery like the last one she painted, it was darker, more blue than green. As he stepped closer he realised what exactly he was looking at, with silvery skin, and eyes that resembled whirlpools. Black hair that cascaded around her face, and a golden circle covering her forehead, not unlike Bluebella's. The picture was a close up, a portrait of the woman, only her face and delicate shoulders.

Behind her little silver fish swam in the distance, driving through the midnight blue water.

"My mother," Bluebella said, not even looking back at him. Her dark hair was loose, the waves tumbling down her back.

"She looks like you," Stiles replied, unsure of what to say. "That crown thing, did she give that to you?" 

Bluebella traced it with her fingers, before tracing her own which she had not left her head. "She gave it to me when I was eight years old, told me I should never take it off," she said softly.

"What and you've worn it ever since?" Stiles questioned "How does that even work do you like get it resized?"

Bluebella laughed lightly, swivelling her chair to face him. She had somehow gotten paint all over her face and hands, and all over the baggy jeans she was wearing. 

"The crown grew with me," she said, dropping her paintbrush in the little water pot. "It was a nice sentiment," 

"So if she was part fi-siren, does that mean you are too?" 

Bluebella shrugged, "If I am, I never inherited any of her powers. Which is probably a good thing because my father would have killed me,"

Stiles nodded slowly, the wheels in his head working, another question at the tip of his tongue before he blinked shaking his head, suddenly remembering why he was actually there

"Lydia called, she's at the school,"

Bluebella nodded without a second thought, whipping her hair up in a very mess bun.

"Let's go,"

When they finally got to the school Bluebella spotted Lydia instantly; the strawberry blonde was dressed in mostly black, a nervous expression on her face.

"Lydia?" she called, jumping out of the car. Lydia's posture relaxed as soon as she spotted her friend, before her relief turned to mocking anger, slapping Bluebella's shoulder as she got close.

"Answer your phone," she demanded. Bluebella smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry I was painting," she said. Lydia rolled her eyes, before turning to Scott, who held the same worried expression that she did.

"It's the same thing. Same thing as the pool. I got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body." she said, fidgeting slightly. Bluebella rubbed her friends back.

"You found a dead body?" If Bluebella didn't know better she would have said Stiles was somewhat excited. 

"Not yet." mumbled Lydia. Stiles made a face at her, clearly disappointed.

"Not yet"? What do you mean "not yet"? Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body." he looked annoyed. Lydia shook her head at him quickly,

"Oh, no, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on." she defended, her tone tense.

"How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body." Stiles retaliated. The bickering pair didn't notice Scott move away, his eyes glued to a figure, leaning against the school sign. 

"Guys." he said nervously  "I found the dead body." 

Bluebella scrunched her nose up at it slightly. A police officer, covered in her own blood, was laying on the sign. Her eyes were open, staring off into the distance, a glazed look over her face. 

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