Chapter thirty four - never trust a fox

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It was a race against time for the trio, as non of them knew exactly what the trap was, but what they did know is somebody would be running into it extremely soon if they weren't careful.

"Coach!" Called Stiles, as he clambered out the jeep. The coach turned around, his bored expression turning into one of only slight confusion.

Bluebella was convinced he was on drugs, any other teacher would have completely freaked out.

"Stilinski... Whoa." was all he said, frowning slightly. 

"Coach, listen close." Stiles interrupted "Er - " not knowing quite where to begin he turned to Bluebella for help. She rolled her eyes,

"There's traps laid out on the cross country route, we need to get everybody off it before somebody get's hurt," she explained.

Coach nodded "Right," was all he said, before turning back to where he was originally looking.

The three of them stared at him for a second "Coach?"

Coach blinked "Oh right yeah, follow me,"

Definitely on drugs.

Derek Hale and Chris Argent were having a less enjoyable time at the Sherriff's office, both handcuffed next to each other on the seats.

Unfortunately, due to the Nogitsune's actions, the two had been framed for an old hunter's murder, and thus were suffering the consequences.

"So, I don't suppose you have any idea why Stiles would frame us for murder?" Chris asked

"I didn't think Stiles was smart enough to frame us for murder." Replied Derek thinly. 

Chris frown deepened, before he glanced around the room. He turned to Derek, his voice quieter.  "To be honest, I'm not entirely convinced that's why we're here."

"What do you mean?"

"McCall is going to come out here any minute and probably talk attorneys. Say you've agreed to allow mine to represent you." Chris said urgently. Derek raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Why should I trust your attorney?" 

"Because I'm not calling my attorney yet. I just want more time." he answered, looking vaguely annoyed.

"To do what?"

"To figure out what we're really doing here."

As Bluebella and Scott ran ahead, the Coach and Stilinski ran behind, with Stiles getting paler and paler by the minute. 

"Scott!" he eventually called out, his dark eyes scanning the area. It seemed vaguely familiar to him, which was not a good sign at all. 

Bluebella ran out, to where all the students on the cross country trail were running towards her, not knowing what could lay in store for them.

"Stop, stop, stop! Everyone, stop!" she commanded, and much to Coach's and Stiles' surprise they did. Everyone stopped in their tracks, as if waiting for the next command. 

Stiles crouched down, where a length of chain lay hidden in the leaves. He picked it up, with Bluebella standing ready to spring into action at any point. She knew Draven liked his pranks, but thousands of years spent in eternal deamination can do twisted things to a person.

And he wasn't her Draven anymore, she kept reminding herself.

As Stiles continued the length of chain, he was aware of everyone looking at him, including Bluebella, who offered him a tight smile.

The chain dropped to the floor, nothing seemingly attached. 

Coach started clapping a slow clap.

"Congratulations, stilinski. You found a length of chain. Can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on?"

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