Chapter Twelve - The truth

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"He's home, you should come see him,"

Bluebella had been doing a lot of running that day, and it was safe to say she was exhausted. But that didn't stop her sprinting to the Stilinski household. Her chest was starting to hurt, her legs were burning but she couldn't stop.

She had to know he was okay.

She practically burst into the Stilinski living room, attempting to get her breath back. Noah nodded for her to go upstairs.

Her heart felt like it was going to explode, she didn't even think as she threw open the door to Stiles room.

She froze.

She wasn't entirely sure what she had planned to do once she reached the Stilinski household, nor what she would do when she saw Stiles. She just knew she had to make sure he was okay.

Stiles on the other hand was in utter shock. He hadn't expected to even hear from Bluebella yet alone see her. And there she was standing before him, her eyes wide and hair messy looking ...he wanted to say fearful.

"Are you okay? What happened to your face?"

Stiles shook his head "It doesn't matter, what are you doing here?"

Bluebella stepped closer to him, throwing her arms up in the air "What do you mean what am I doing here? You went missing Stiles none of us knew where you were! I thought - I thought," she trailed off, looking down. "It doesn't matter" she whispered.

Stiles frowned, staring at the girl, she seemed to be fighting an internal battle, her eyes darting and fingers tapping together.

"Hey," he said gently "Are you okay?"

Bluebella nodded harshly, before turning around and closing the door. She sighed, leaning back against it before slowly sliding down to the ground. She looked up at him, her eyes shining.

"I'm trying to tell you everything, every secret. I thought the less you knew the safer you'd be but now..I don't know I feel like you should be prepared. I just don't know where to start,"

Stiles nodded, almost excitement growing in him. He hastily sat down next to her, his knees drawn up.

"Okay," he said "How about we play questions. I ask a question, you answer it and vice versa. That way we'll have no more secrets,"

Bluebella laughed lightly "That sounds more fun," she said. Stiles smiled.

"Okay let's start with basics...what are you?" he asked.

Bluebella sighed "I'm a faery."

Stiles raised his eyebrows. "fairy seriously? Like tinkerbell?" 

Bluebella tilted her head "My turn," she sang "How did Scott get bit?"

Stiles looked down at his knees, a slight smile on his face "We went in the woods to look for a body. Peter Hale, he was trying to gain power after being in a coma, he bit him,"

Bluebella frowned "That slimy bastard," she mumbled.

"Are there more of you? Where do you hide?"

"That's two question's" Bluebella pointed out "But I'll answer them anyway," She took a breath, as if clearing her mind before continuing.

"Faery isn't a place here, we live...well in another realm. Like a pocket in the universe. We used to live amongst humans, protecting them from the supernatural. But they started to think that we were the ones bringing the creatures in the first place so they...they burnt us at the stake. Called us witches. Eventually we fled. There's two kingdoms of faery, the dark and the light."

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