Chapter Two

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Tony Stark looked the small kid in front of him up and clown. The only thing the girl really did was look at him and then quickly look back down at her shoes and awkwardly shift back and forth in front of him. He noticed several things about her, for example she was small, really small; she wasn't even five feet tall and by the looks of it she wasn't a hundred pounds soaking wet. The biggest thing about her was the mass of brown curly hair that was past her hips that seemed to swallow her whole and the big doe, brown eyes that she shared with Peter. The girl was nowhere close to five feet tall, he scanned her up and down again with his eyes as he noticed the holey dress and the too small shoes that were seemingly falling apart. The closer he looked, the more things he noticed about her. He noticed how knotted and matted her hair was in some places, like she didn't hadn't taken a brush or comb to it in days or longer. How she kept looking at her shoes instead of him, the way her fingers kept twisting around themselves. He noticed the different shades of bruises on her arms and legs and the darker bruises on her neck and face. But most of all, he noticed the big brown eyes that kept quickly looking at him, then back at her shoes; they were full of emotion. "What the hell was going on at the Davis house?" was the thought that kept bouncing around in his head; his thoughts were broken by her soft voice.

"I-Is Peter h-here?" she asked quietly, he noticed the skin where she was picking at her fingernails was starting to turn red and irritated.

He opened his mouth to respond, part of him not knowing how to respond to the question, and was about to answer as the words starting coming to him when a voice spoke before he could.

"Did someone ask for me?" Peter asked, he was smiling at the small teenager in front of him.

Penny quickly spun around to face where the voice had come from and smiled when her eyes landed on the form of Peter. She slowly looked her brother up and down, taking everything about him in. He was bigger, a lot bigger than when she was little, but he looked the same. He still had the same impish grin when he was excited and the same messy brown hair and the large, brown eyes that resembled hers. She felt herself relaxing as she looked at him, this wasn't a trick, she realized, feeling a bit better about the situation.

"Peter!" She yelled as she ran to him.

Tony watched, smiling to himself, as the teenage girl ran over to her brother and jumped up to hug him and as Peter hugged her back, holding her up in the air; the brunet boy had his face pressed into his messy hair as he hugged her.

"Hey Princess," he greeted, smiling.

"I-I missed you." she replied, hugging him tighter.

"I missed you too princess," he replied as he kept hugging her; Tony was pretty sure that the pair wouldn't let each other go.

Tony couldn't help but smile at the girl's feet still dangling above the ground, she was definitely tiny. Peter wasn't that tall, he was a tiny bit shorter than average actually for a teenage boy- he was five foot eight -and she barely came up to his chest. Peter set Penny back on the ground, he had a large, happy smile on his face; one Tony hadn't seen since last week, the kid would be okay, he thought to himself. He was starting to feel relieved at seeing the teenager smile and talk, he hadn't seen the boy do either of those in almost a week and it had started to worry him; that feeling slowly starting to dissipate as he saw the pair of siblings in front of him.

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