Chapter Seventeen

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A few hours later, Peter returned to the compound; he went upstairs to look for everyone. He opened the door to Kate's room and saw it was empty, then he opened the door to his little sister's room and found it empty as well. Next he went down the hallway to Wanda's and Pietro's rooms to look for everyone. He went upstairs to the Stark penthouse suite and looked in Morgan's room and playroom for the others, but found it empty; even Lucky was gone. After searching for them he finally realized that everyone was gone, even Morgan, so he decided to call Kate.

"Peter?" she asked, he could hear laughter in the background.

"Yeah." he replied.

"Did you need anything?" she asked, he could hear her telling Lucky to slow down and laughed a little to himself.

"Where are you guys?" he asked.

"Oh we took Morgan and Lucky on the walk and went to the park."

"Oh...okay..." he replied.

"We're on our way home now."

"Okay, I'll see you soon," he replied before hanging up, in the background he could hear Morgan giggling as Pietro did something.

Peter threw himself down on the couch and waited for almost thirty minutes for the group to return. Morgan ran over to him, jumping into his lap; he adjusted her to where both of his arms were around her waist, gently tickling her a little.

"Hey Morguna." he greeted.

"Hi Petey," she replied.

He smiled when he saw the rest of the group coming into the room; Penny was laughing while Pietro chased her. Eventually the seventeen year old picked her up by her waist and quickly chucked her onto the couch. Penny sat up and scooted over to her brother, smiling at him. Peter saw Pietro spin around, eying his twin mischievously; everyone started laughing when Wanda used her powers to freeze Pietro when he went to do the same thing to her. Eventually, the redhead released him when she agreed to a truce, promising that he wouldn't throw his sister on the couch if she quit using her powers on him. Penny was watching Wanda with a mesmerized expression because of the redhead's powers; it made Peter smile. He knew that she wished that she had abilities or that she could do something like that.

"How was the park princess?" he asked as Morgan climbed into Penny's lap.

"It was good." she replied, grinning up at him, as gently hugged Morgan, "Morgan and I built a sandcastle. We also played in the water with Lucky."

Peter laughed a little, "That's why your hair is wet." he replied, picking up her soaked pigtail.

"Yeah...Pietro threw me in..." she said as she playfully glared at Pietro.

The older boy shrugged and laughed at her, "Sorry princessa," Pietro replied, smiling, "you just looked so comfortable,"

She stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

He reached over the back of the couch and ruffled her hair, "It was just so irresistible." he teased

"It's okay Pietro, I'm going to go get a shower." she announced, setting Morgan down next to her.

The group watched as Penny walked up the steps, disappearing from their line of sight. Morgan started to yawn and laid her head on Kate's lap; Kate smiled and started to slowly and gently run her fingers through her hair that had fallen out of its braids after she went in the water. After a few minutes had passed, the eight year old had fallen asleep; Kate moved her to where she was more in her lap. The older girl enjoyed spending a lot of time with younger kids, it reminded her of her younger siblings back in Iowa; all of whom she missed. Wanda pushed herself up from the couch and went into the kitchen, declaring that she was going to start making dinner. Pietro followed her closely; a few moments later, Peter and Kate started laughing while the two argued over Pietro's "help" in the kitchen. The ash-blond reappeared in the living room a few moments later, a small red mist dissipating around him after his twin had teleported him back into the room.

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