Chapter Ten

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The older boy gave her a twisted grin as he leaned against the back of her chair.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't precious little Penny," Brad announced as he clicked his tongue against his teeth, his hot breath tickling her ears.

"G-Go away Brad," Penny stuttered at the sight of her cousin why did he have to appear everytime she was by herself?

"They treating you well, little cousin?" he asked, but she knew that he didn't care, he was just doing whatever he could to make her uncomfortable and it was working.

"Y-Yes." she responded, quickly averting her eyes as she tried to slip deeper down into her spot; she wanted to make herself as small as possible or completely disappear if she could.

"You know, I don't see anyone around," he laughed, "Did they leave you? Why don't I take you back home Penny..." His voice trailing off leaving a wave of discomfort to wash over her, as his eyes roamed around the room.

Brad was smiling that smile he always used before he got her in trouble or when he'd hit her like his parents would. A cold shiver ran through her body and she cast her eyes around the room, looking for any sign that someone was watching them.

"L-leave me a-alone. They're com-coming back soon..." she replied, hoping she could scare him off.

Brad smiled cruelly at her, "Well I don't see anyone. Why don't I stay a while?" he replied as he slid into the booth next to her, pushing her closer into the wall behind them as she tried to get away from him.

"Go Away!" she replied, raising her voice only slightly; she was shaking as she tried to scoot farther and farther away from him, it never ended well for her when he was this close to her.

"What's wrong little cousin..." he laughed, "are you scared?" he asked, leaning over to where his face was a couple inches away from hers.

Penny held her breath as she silently prayed someone would come back soon, she didn't know what he would do to her. Brad terrified her just as much as his parents did; the memories of beatings and punishments flooded back to her mind, making her vision grow hazy as he laughed at her. Brad moved closer to her, he was so close now that she couldn't scoot away anymore, her back was pressed against the wall that their booth was pushed against; she had nowhere to go. He grabbed her wrist pulling her closer to him as he harshly squeezed it, she was so close to him, she could smell his breath as it heated up her face.

"You know Penny, you shouldn't be out her by yourself." he paused. "Someone could seriously hurt you," he smiled at her again, making her blood run colder than it was.

Penny whimpered as he tightened his grip on her wrist, she already knew that there would be a bruise around her wrist; she tried to pull away from him, but he yanked her closer to himself. He shot out excuses, claiming that she was just his bratty little sister who didn't want to go home just yet, when the group from the next booth over gave the pair of them questioning looks. The teens and adults at the table nodded and turned their attention away from them, making the slight glimmer of hope she'd felt quickly die in her chest.

"Come on Penny....let's go," he replied, as he started as he started to pull her out of the booth yet again, undoing the little progress she'd made in her effort to get away from him, "Mom and Dad want to talk to you." he hissed.

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