Chapter Thirty

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The Parker siblings followed Pepper into the elevator, which on average, was left unused, and onto the fifth floor. Penny adjusted the metal nose piece of the mask she was wearing once again as they stepped out of it a few moments later. They followed the strawberry blonde through the penthouse suit of the compound to Morgan's room. Pepper opened the door that had neon pink and yellow letters that spelled out the eight year old's name to reveal Tony, who was sitting next to Morgan in an office chair. The eight year old was sitting in her bed with an ironman blanket over her lap with a thermometer in her mouth. It appeared that Happy had been successful in getting the billionaire out of his office as he was back in Morgan's room. Tony brushed her bangs out of her face and she seemed to brighten up a bit at the sight of three new people who'd entered her room. She went to climb out of the bed to run over to them, but her efforts were thwarted by her father, who picked her up and set her back down in the middle of her bed.

"Daddy," she whined, her voice was a little croaky from coughing, "I wanna see them."

"Not, so fast Morgana," he replied, "your mom, underoos, and little Parker will come to you. You are staying right here, wizards orders." he announced.

She grumbled a little bit as Tony adjusted the thermometer in her mouth.

"She's been asking for you kids for the past two days," he announced.

Peter smiled softly and walked around the end of her bed and sat next to her. He pressed a gently kiss against her temple, "Hey Morgie, how ya feeling?"

"Bored," the eight year old huffed, "Daddy and Happy won't let me do anything." she replied, crossing her arms.

Tony cleared his throat, "Don't talk for a few baby, we need to make sure that temp of yours is breaking."

She nodded lightly as Peter readjusted the thermometer that had started slipping when she responded to his question. The boy chuckled at her response, he knew exactly how the Starks were when he got sick or injured; he wasn't allowed to do anything other than rest and stay in his room or the medbay.

"I know, but once you get better we can have a movie night, just the three of us." he replied, motioning between the two of them and Penny.

After a few seconds, the small gadget beeped, signaling that it was finished taking her temperature. Peter gently pulled it out of her mouth and handed it to Tony.

"Really?" she asked, perking up a little at the idea that had been proposed by the sixteen year old.

"Of course, right princess?" the boy asked, looking over at the younger teen.

Penny smiled under her mask, "Of course Morgan!' she replied, sitting at the foot at of the little girl's bed

"Swear it?" the eight year old asked.

Peter held out his pinky, "Pinky swear," he replied.

She smiled and held out her pinky. The two locked pinkies and kissed their fists to seal the deal, much like Peter and Penny often did. Penny smiled at the two of them, she was glad to share her and Peter's pinky swear with her new found little sister. Morgan held out her pinky to Penny, she was looking at her expectantly.

"Pinky swear Penny?" she asked, blinking her big eyes cutely at the thirteen year old.

Penny nodded and linked her pinky with the eight year old, "Pinky swear Morgie." she replied before kissing her fist behind the mask.

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