Chapter Forty-Six

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After a few hours of sitting on the floor of her room, the father-daughter duo decided on moving from their uncomfortable position. They'd talked for the majority of their time, trying to get Penny's mind off of how quickly everything had changed once again. Tony enjoyed listening to his older daughter talk about different things, his favorite was music theories; sure he didn't understand much about music, but it seemed to be the best topic to distract her and he loved seeing who animated she got when talking about it. The billionaire made a mental note to have FRIDAY order a cello for the brunette after she mentioned missing playing the instrument, he'd temporarily forgotten that she could play more than the piano and violin. He looked over at the keyboard in the corner of her bedroom, smiling at the thought of hearing the familiar melodies and songs of piano music filling the compound again. He remembered getting Wanda to read his middle child's mind at Christmas to see what she really wanted for Christmas, and to his surprise it hadn't been anything that had been on her list, it was a piano. Apparently, she'd made a list of things that she liked, not really wanted because she didn't want to ask for anything because she wasn't used to getting Christmas presents. He and Pepper had been excited to change that fact the previous year; but the only thing she'd really wanted was a keyboard or piano. So he'd bought her the best damn keyboard money could buy for Christmas and the smile on her face had been well worth it when she opened it that morning. At the moment, he was planning on converting one of the unused labs into a music room of sorts. His daughter wasn't the only musician in the compound; many of the avengers had musical talents of sorts. Steve and Wanda could sing amazingly along with Nat and Bucky but the latter of the two never sang around the others, Pietro played the drums, both Peter and Penny could practically play anything with strings, Peter played the clarinet form his band days, Kate played a beautiful cello, Nat and Yelena both danced and played the piano, Sam played the guitar, and the list probably went on if he had JARVIS look into it. He felt a music room would be a good addition to the compound rooms. The teen next to him turned to look at him with big brown eyes, he felt a part of him melt, god he missed those brown eyes staring at him.

"What's up kiddo?" he asked.

She paused for a few minutes, "Where's mister Loki?" she asked.

He slowly blinked his eyes at her question, it caught him off guard, "Why do you ask?"

"I'd like to see him." she replied.

"Why do you want to see him kiddo, he kidnapped you, remember?" he replied was this some type of Stockholm thing? Should he ask Sam about this?

"I-I know.. B-but he helped a lot too. He made sure I got food, and he'd bring me extra food and water when he could. He checked on me all the time when I started getting sick and we spent a lot of time together. He stopped Mister Toomes every time he started hitting me. Plus, he brought me that's gotta count for something, right?" she was looking up at him, her big brown eyes, staring at him, waiting for a response.

She was right, that was worth something, "I guess it does..." he admitted reluctantly.

"He tried to convince Mister Toomes to let me go earlier, when I first started getting sick, but he didn't want to. He said it was pointless to take me in the first place...but Mister Toomes thought it'd make Petey break. Said he'd take away the thing he loved most."

Tony sighed, Toomes was one sick cookie, who'd want to attack a kid? Who thought of attacking a kid in the first place? His theory hadn't been wrong, Penny being missing had destroyed the teen, "He's in a cell hun, we didn't know if he was a threat to us."

He noticed her lips tug down in a small frown, "Oh....Can I see him? Please dad?"

He sighed, he couldn't say no to her, not when she was looking at him with those big, pleading, watery brown eyes, "I don't see why not kiddo....As long as I get to stay with you...and you don't tell your mother."

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