Chapter Fifty-Five

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June 15th:

Pietro was sitting at the kitchen counter, lazily leaning over the counter-top as he snuck cookies off of the hot cookie tray that Bucky had just set onto the stovetop. He reached over for his third double chocolate, chocolate chip cookie when the long-haired brunet smacked his hand away. The ash-blond yanked his hand back, shaking out the appendage before rubbing it gingerly.

"What gives UB?" he asked.

The soldier narrowed his eyes at him, "Stop stealing the cookies turbo," he fussed, waving the spatula at him.

The teenager laughed at his uncle, "Come on Uncle Buck, what's all the cookies for anyway?" he asked.

"Baby Stark." he replied, scooping them onto a plate so they could cool down before he could put icing on them.

Pietro looked at his smart watch, scrolling to the calendar app on it and looked at the older man, recognition in his eyes, "It's the fifteenth." he announced.

The man nodded, waiting for the teenager to remember what day it was.

"It's printesa mea's birthday!" he shouted.

The brunet chuckled at his nephew, "You forgot?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the eighteen year old.

"Wha-No I...." he paused, hanging his head guiltily, "Yes I did...but in my defense, I thought it was Monday...I thought today was the twelfth...the days sorta run together y'know."

Bucky laughed, the older teenager had a lot of similarities as his adoptive father, if he didn't know any better he would've thought it was his son. They both had a strong sense of loyalty and of what was right and wrong; both were jokesters- at least Steve was when he was younger. Both of them tended to forget things quite often and their days often had the experience of blurring together, making them usually forget what day it was unless it was a mission.

"You are definitely Steve's son." he chuckled.

The ash-blond rolled his eyes but grinned in response to what he took as a compliment.

He leaned back from the counter and grabbed his bike keys off of the counter, shoving them into his pocket.

Bucky looked up at him, 'Where are you going kid?" he asked.

The ash-blond looked over at him and grinned, "Getting a birthday present, can't let them show up from Coney Island empty handed can I?" he replied, opening his arms as he tugged his jacket on.

The brunet man laughed, "I guess not."

Pietro spread his arms dramatically, "Exactly, I need to keep up my status as printed mea's favorite." he replied laughing.

The soldier shook his head, laughing to himself as the teenager disappeared into the elevator, he lifted his head up, "Make sure you were a helmet speedy!" he yelled, lightly chuckling to himself as he organized the cookies onto plates as he could start putting icing on them.

On Coney Island, Happy was walking around the fun park with Morgan on his shoulder while Pepper fussed over her son who was trying to get out of reapplying his sunscreen as usual. Penny and Morgan were giggling at the teenager who was dodging the strawberry-blonde's fingers.

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