Chapter Thirty-One

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Thank you guys so much for the 2.2K views! I also received some good news from my doctor yesterday, the results from the biopsies they took last week came back clear meaning that I don't need surgery! I also got a got a good review from my heart doctor too, three good things this week! Yay. (The last two reasons are why this chapter is a little bit late-I had two doctors appointments.) But please enjoy chapter Thirty-one!

Peter slipped back through his bedroom window and pulled his mask off in one swift movement. His hair sprung up from the lack of the mask that had been holding his hair down. He started peeling his suit off that stunk of sweat and pulled his pajamas out from under his pillow and went to the bathroom before tossing his suit down the shoot that took his suit back down to the lab so it could be cleaned once again. He tossed his clothes onto the bathroom counter before stepping into the shower and turning it on. He stood under the shower, scrubbing yet again more dirt that had found its way into the suit before washing his hair to get the sweaty smell out of it. After he stepped out of the shower, he spent the next few minutes ringing the excess water out of his hair before tugging on his pajamas and tossing himself into his bed and falling asleep. He woke up a few hours later and pulled himself out of the bed before changing into another pair of jeans and a t-shirt that May had given him a couple of years ago for his birthday. He tugged his backpack over his shoulder before running downstairs where his sister and Pietro were already eating breakfast. He kissed Penny's cheek and gave her a small side hug before sitting down and grabbing six pieces of toast, three egg patties, sausage and some cheese to make himself three breakfast sandwiches. Penny grinned at him before sliding a large glass of apple juice over to him. He thanked her and started devouring the food when he heard Kate shuffling in behind him. He turned around to greet her, but decided to wait until she got some coffee, since she didn't look like she was fully awake just yet. She slid into the spot next to him, groaning lightly about it being too early to be awake, causing him to laugh when Pietro agreed with the brunette. Yelena and Wanda appeared a few moments later; the blonde sat on the counter with her feet on either side of Kate's legs. Wanda smiled lightly and shook her head at the two of them while she slowly sipped her coffee near the coffeemaker. Pepper came downstairs a few moments later holding a briefcase; Wanda handed her a cup of coffee and she thanked the girl and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Thirty minutes later, Natasha and Pepper each hugged the teens and gave them a kiss on the cheek as they walked out to the car with Happy. As usual, Pietro managed to snag the front seat; he stuffed his backpack between the clash and windshield. Peter slipped into the seat behind the ash-blond, he tucked his toes under the back of Pietro's seat and was zipping and unzipping his backpack. Wanda was in the middle seat, with her backpack on her feet while Peter laid his head on her shoulder. Yelena was sitting behind Happy with her bag in her lap and a large cup of coffee in her hands; her braid was tossed over the back of her seat, in front of Kate, who was playing with it. She was twisting the end of the blonde's braid around her fingers as she scrolled through something on her phone. Penny was seated next to Kate, her legs tucked underneath herself while she stared out of the car window. Before they climbed out of the car, Wanda reached into a side pouch of her backpack and pulled out a small container of sliced apples and handed it to Peter.

"In case you forgot your snack again." she replied when he looked at her with a confused expression.

He gave her a small smile, "Oh...Thanks Wands." he replied, tucking it safely into his backpack.

The redhead looked at him, "You forgot didn't you?"

He sheepishly nodded his head, his ears turning red, "Y-yeah... I was up late last night..." he replied.

She cut him a look, "Maybe you should cut down the amount of time you spend on extracurriculars," she replied.

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