Chapter Thirty-Three

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Peter was waiting in between his door and the door to his sister's room while he waited for her to come out from changing. He'd changed into a pair of sweatpants and a soft long-sleeved shirt with a hoodie and mix-matched fuzzy socks. She opened her door a few minutes, revealing herself wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt and a black and brown plaid skirt with fuzzy socks herself; her hair was now spiraling wildly around her frame. He grinned and tossed his arm over her shoulder and guided her down the stairs. When they got downstairs, Tony already had three bowls of mac 'n cheese put out on the kitchen island, along with two cups of apple juice and ketchup for Peter. The older of the Parker siblings had a habit of putting ketchup and salt on his macaroni, he loved it. They sat in their seats and Tony sat on the other side of Peter and the three of them dug into the meal. Tony noticed Penny grimace at her brother putting ketchup on his macaroni and chuckled, apparently that was one thing that they didn't have in common.

He leaned against the counter, "What are kids planning to do for the rest of the day?" he asked.

"Harry Potter marathon." Peter replied, putting more food on his plate after he quickly swallowed down the first bowl.

"Sounds fun, I'll make you some popcorn." he announced.

"You're welcome to join us, Mister Stark," Penny offered, she was looking at him with a hopeful expression.

At first the man was going to turn her down, he didn't enjoy Harry Potter, but couldn't resist the look that she was giving him, "I'll take you up on that," the billionaire replied, "We'll watch it in the cinema room. Pep's been telling me to spend less time in the lab." he replied, flashing the younger girl a smile.

"Awwww," Peter whined, "I like the lab."

The man chuckled, "I know you do kid, but if Pep thinks we're spending too much time in it...."

"We're spending too much time in it," Peter added, slouching slightly in his chair.

"Exactly." the man replied, pointing his finger at him, "But at least I get to spend the afternoon drowning in Harry Potter with two of my favorite kids."

"We're your favorites?" the boy asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Two of the three." he replied, "You two and Morgan are tied for first place."

Penny looked at him, tilting her head slightly to the side, "We're tied with Morgie? But she's your daughter..." she replied.

He man grinned at her, "So are you kiddo, blood doesn't mean everything. You two are just as much my kids as she is."

Peter grinned, "Thank you Mister Stark."

Tony smiled at the teen's large gummy smile, it always had the habit of melting his heart.

Penny nodded, "Yeah, thank you Mister Stark..." she replied; she still wasn't used to being someone's favorite or being liked in general. Her own aunt and uncle didn't like her and they were family, it confused her to why a man who they had no ties to liked them, liked her.

"One day I'm going to get the two of you to call me Tony," he announced, "Mister Stark makes me sound old."

Peter grinned, "You are old Mister Stark," he replied slyly.

The man looked at him, "You little...."

"Captain Rogers doesn't like that language, Mister Stark," the brunette replied, grinning brightly at him.

The man chuckled, "One, I'm not old underoos. Two, Cap is older than me by fifty years. Three, you're hanging around the speedster too much."

Peter grinned, " Actually, Mister Rogers is fifty-one years older than you; he's ninety-six, but physically he's only thirty....soooo," he replied, slightly shrugging.

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