Chapter Nineteen

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Peter opened his eyes halfway through the trip; noticing that Penny had grown quiet; he looked over to his sister who was seated across from him. He smiled softly at the sight of the younger teenager who had fallen asleep on Happy's arm, much like how Morgan was asleep on his. Happy looked up at him with a small smile as he affectionately stroked Penny's hair while she slept. The sight made him miss May that much more as he remembered coming home from late nights with Tony or his friends to find his aunt and the burly man in the same position. May would still be dressed in her scrubs, Happy would be in his suit, carefully running his fingers through her hair as she slept. It was times like that, that made Happy stay at the apartment on occasion; he could tell that was what Happy was thinking about.

"Happy?" he called quietly so he wouldn't wake either of the younger girls who were getting small catnaps before they reached the church.

"Yes Peter?" the man asked.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

The man nodded slightly, "I'm okay, Peter. Don't worry about me...I have you two....I'll be just fine."

Peter smiled a little at his words, "Okay."

Eventually, the car stopped and Peter woke Penny up so they could get out for lunch. They all climbed out of the car and Penny looked around them in awe of the stained-glass windows that sprawled out in front of them. The large cathedral was absolutely gorgeous with its old design; its high stained-glass windows made the light look like the colors were dancing on the walls. Peter grabbed onto Penny's hand again as they readied themselves for yet another group of people offering their condolences. The group walked through the auditorium of the church and walked into the finely decorated banquet hall that was filled with a large variety of food. Some that Tony had paid for and others that were made by people the May knew. Happy stayed with the two teens for a few more moments before going over to find Tony, who had split off from the group to speak with some of the members of the Salvation Army board about creating a charity in May's honor; Peter knew that May would've loved the idea. She and Ben were two of the people that inspired him to become Spider-man when he got his powers; sure he had powers now, but that wasn't what had done it. He knew that when he could do the things he could, it was up to him to do the right thing; that way the bad things didn't happen. But his aunt and uncle had always been involved in charity, they both helped everyone they could, even when they could barely afford to get food for the three of them; it was just who they were. Peter pulled himself from his thoughts when he saw his friends from school, he told Penny that he'd see her in a few moments as he went to greet them.

Penny watched her brother leave her to go be with his friends and a brunette girl that she'd never seen before. Her brother hugged the girl before linking his hand with hers, before he started guiding her around to talk with people. Penny stood by herself for a few moments, not knowing where to go; she felt someone tap on her shoulder and she jumped a little. She quickly turned around to see Pietro behind, his ash-blonde hair slightly slicked back. She noticed that his suit jacket was missing and his tie was loosened; apparently he wasn't much for formal wear either she thought to herself.

She offered him a small smile, "H-hi Pietro." she greeted.

He slung his arm over her shoulder, "Well hello princessa," he replied, smiling brightly at her; he started looking around the room, "Where did Peter go?" he asked.

She motioned to where Peter was, "He went over to his friends and that girl." she replied.

Pietro's eyes followed where she motioned and he nodded his head, "Ah." he announced, "You want to sit with ey for a bit princessa?" he asked.

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