Chapter Forty-Eight

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Friday morning Pietro shut off his alarm and rolled over in his bed, closing his eyes again; he was not getting out of bed for anything he promised himself. He heard the sounds of his sister walking to his room. He tucked himself deeper into his covers, hoping she'd ignore him and leave. He was wrong. He closed his eyes again and shoved his head under his pillow when she light turned on, his hair tickling his nose at the action. His sister's shoes tapped against the hardwood floor of his room as she walked over to his bed. She pulled the covers off of him making him groan in no annoyance.

"Witch." he groaned, reaching out for the covers.

"Get up Dash." she replied, shaking him.

"No." he replied, shoving his face deeper under his pillow.

"Come on, are you really going to sleep all morning?" she asked.

He sat up for a few moments grabbing the covers that were all bundled up at the end of his bed, "Yes." he announced as he flipped his pillow over to the cooler side, "we have no school today little witch, therefore, I am sleeping till noon." he mumbled.

The redhead pursued her lips and rolled her eyes, "We have a long weekend, you can sleep later." she announced, pulling at his pillow. "Penny's getting off of her extra light duty today, so we're all going to celebrate. We're going to go to the park."

"I'll join later then," he replied coolly, flopping back into his bed, pulling the comforter and sheets over himself..

She picked up his pillow with his powers, making his head roughly jerk back and dropped it on his face, "Fine." she replied.

He sighed in content as he heard her leaving, but something bugged him. His sister never gave up that easy, what was she working at? He rolled over in his bed, shoving his face into his pillow again. He started to slip back into his long awaited sleep, falling into that state between being awake and being asleep. He heard his door creak open again and tightened his grip on his covers, having good mind to use his super speed to speed his sister away to the panic room downstairs and lock her in it. It was the room where her teleportation powers were blocked from working. He couldn't pick up on the sound of his twin's shoes against his floor, it was silent, his interest was peaked. He knew it could only be a handful of people, not many of the people could walk that silently in the compound; he knew it couldn't be Bucky, the man was on a mission with his pops, so they were both out of the equation. He knew it wasn't Natasha, because even though she was silent and walked around like a cat, she preferred to just threaten him to wake up. But it wasn't the older redhead and he wasn't sure if it was Yelena because on occasion she'd dumped ice cold water on him or ripped him out of his bed by his ankles instead of threatening him; the blonde wasn't the best at being gentle when she woke people up. There was also the possibility of it being Peter, who was a silent walker due to his spider abilities. He peeked his head out slightly from under his pillow and looked up at the ceiling, noting the lack of the brunet teen on his ceiling waiting to drop his weight on him. He also considered the possibility of his sister sending Penny in after him. Penny had taught herself how to carry her weight lightly, she had a habit of walking on her toes in order not to make a noise. She walked quieter than Natasha and Yelena did, the habit had been formed from years of learning to keep herself quiet in fear of what would happen if she wasn't. He prayed it wasn't the last option, he found it impossible to tell her and Morgan no; especially when they flashed those big brown eyes at him. No matter what he did, he couldn't deny them. He squeezed his eyes closed, praying the silent member who'd entered his room would just leave him. He felt someone climb on his bed, then felt a light weight plop down on him before breaking out in a fit of giggles. He started laughing, the eight year old's giggles were contagious.

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