Chapter Twenty-Three

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Monday morning rolled around and Peter was the first one up. He was always the first one up when it came to the first day of school; he was always too excited to get good enough sleep and always ended up waking up really early in the morning. It never mattered if it was just a simple break or if it was the actual first day of school. Every year on the first day of school, the first day back after spring break, the first day back after Christmas break, and the first day back after fall break he could never sleep well. He sat up and ran his fingers through his newly cut locks, causing them to stick up in different directions. He tossed his covers off and pushed himself out of his bed, grabbing a t-shirt and boxers from his dresser before going to the bathroom. He jumped in the shower and let the water run over him as it washed the sweat and dirt off of him from last night's patrol. He didn't know how he managed it, but dirt and always managed to get dirt in his suit, which for the most part was air tight. The previous night, he'd been out till two in the morning; but Tony and Pepper had given him a new curfew for school nights, he had to be back home by twelve-thirty a.m. and in bed by one. The previous night, he'd stopped three robberies, helped six intoxicated college students get back to their dorms, stopped a mugging, and had helped a woman get her cat out of the tree. Thirty minutes later, he was out of the shower and using a towel to dry his chestnut brown hair. After he finished drying his hair, he started to try to style it; which didn't really work that well, his hair nearly unmanageable at times. He walked out of the bathroom, and back towards his room, grabbing his bluejeans and putting on a blue and gray flannel shirt. He walked back into the bathroom and started trying to comb his hair back a bit. With his super hearing, he could hear his sister getting up for the day; he smiled a little to himself and turned the light out in their joint bathroom before going back to his room to put on his converse and sweatshirt. After he'd tied his shoes, he grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Wanda woke up at five-thirty shortly after Peter did. She rubbed her eyes and threw the dark gray comforter off of herself and leaned over to turn off her alarm. She sat up and swung her feet over the side of her bed and into the black cat slippers that Peter had gotten her for Christmas last year. She switched on her lamp by her bed as well as the one on her vanity before undoing her long red hair from its braid and started to brush it. After she braided back half of her hair in a dutch braid she tied it off with a black ribbon and started working on the makeup that she wore almost every day. After finishing up her makeup, she grabbed the red and black mesh skirt she'd laid out the previous evening and pulled it on. She quickly finished getting dressed, her finished outfit consisted of a black tube top, fishnets, Nat's red jacket, and the black platform combat boots she'd worn on Saturday to the mall. She looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted her choker before neatly organizing her backpack once again in an effort to make sure she was ready for the new school year.

Yelena and Kate had slept in the same room; in the middle of the night, Yelena came into Kate's room claiming she couldn't sleep because she was worried how she'd do in actual school. She'd never been to public school, when she first came to the compound Nat had her homeschooled for the reason that the red room was still out there and she didn't want to put the blonde in any danger. Nat and Clint both wanted to make sure it was safe before sending the then fifteen year old out to the public; both of them would never forgive themselves if anything ever happened to the teenager. After Kate calmed her down from almost throwing herself into a slight panic attack, they watched the Bride of Chucky to help her sleep. After the movie was over, they had both fallen asleep. Kate was a hugger in her sleep and Yelena liked to steal the covers, it wasn't the first time the two teenagers could be found in the same bed together. Kate woke up first to see that her and Yelena were tangled once again in her deep purple comforter. Kate started to untwist the comforter from herself and removed her left leg from over Yelena's body, making her grumble in disagreement.

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