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Penny looked up from her book when Peter knocked on her door, smiling softly at the teenage boy, "You need something, Petey?" she asked.

"We're going to the game room downstairs, wanna join?" he asked, leaning against her door frame.

She nodded and closed her book, "Can we play pool?" she asked.

"Definitely, I demand a rematch from last time." he replied grinning.

"I'm gonna win again," she replied, jumping up from the bed, grinning at him.

He laughed, "I've been practicing." he announced triumphantly.

"It's all about angles, Petey." she replied.

"Is that so princess?" he asked, smirking.

She nodded, "Definitely. Beat ya there?" she asked, smiling a little at him.

He laughed, "Oh you're on." he replied, running out of the room, completely forgetting about his younger sister's ability to teleport wherever she wanted.

The brunette grinned to herself and straightened her dress before teleporting into the game room; she appeared right next to Pietro who jumped when she randomly appeared next to him.

"Holy shit princessa," he muttered, placing his hand over his heart dramatically, "warn a man first." he replied.

She giggled, "But that's not any fun." she replied.

He frowned, "Where did my sweet little princessa go?" he asked, pouting slightly.

"She's still here." the younger girl replied, "But she's also been taking notes from a certain boy with super speed."

He frowned, "Well, you shouldn't follow my example."

The younger girl shrugged and teleported herself to where she was sitting on the edge of the pool table, her short legs swaying gently back and forth. "But you always say the world would be better if people were like you." she countered.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't respond, knowing that she was using his own words against him.

Wanda laughed, "She's right." she walked over and offered the fourteen year old a small high-five, "Also great job on the teleportation." she replied.

The younger girl giggled, "Thank's Wands."

Peter appeared in the doorway a few moments later, "Did I beat her here?" he asked.

Penny sat up straight and grinned at her brother, "Hi Petey." she greeted.

He looked at her, looking slightly shocked, "How'd you get down here so quickly princess?"

She laughed, "Teleportation." she replied, grinning.

"That's cheating." he replied, pretending to be upset.

She grinned at him, knowing that he was faking it, "We never set rules." she replied with a small shrug as she swung her legs.

He laughed, "True, now let's say I beat you at pool this time."

The younger girl laughed, "I wish you luck, Petey."

He scoffed, "Luck? Princess I don't need luck," he replied.

The fourteen year old jumped down from her position and grabbed her pool stick that was leaning against the wall before she straightened up the pool balls on the table. Peter broke the grouping, getting two balls into the pockets before scratching, to which Penny put three striped ones into the pockets. Wanda and Pietro split off to play foosball, the older boy demanding another rematch from his sister; the redhead conceded with his request, knowing he'd never win since she'd won every single game they'd played in the past three years. Kate started playing the ice ball game in the corner and Yelena watched her, while also keeping an eye on the two brunets at the pool table; she was invested to see if Peter would win this time.

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