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I was in a group with Newt and Frypan. Newt is the blond guy with the British accent. I was looking among the clothes and put this on.

I go back to Newt and Frypan and see them filling backpacks

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I go back to Newt and Frypan and see them filling backpacks. ''Did you guys find anything else'' I asked. ''Yes, food , water and clothes. And you?" replied Newt. ''Same thing'' ''I filled a backpack for you'' says Newt as he hands me a backpack. ''Thank you, Newt,'' I say as I accept the backpack.
We step back to the other groups and everyone is there except Thomas and Minho.

Suddenly all the lights come on.
''What's happening?" I ask as I look around. ''I don't know'' replies Lana. I hear Thomas calling something in the distance.
Then I see Minho and Thomas running away from some kind of people. No cranks. ''RUN'' shouts Thomas.

''Oh, shit'' says Newt and our group starts running. We run to the broken escalators and run up them.
''Thomas, Minho, what are these things?'' asks Frypan in shock.
''I don't know. Keep going.'' shouts Thomas. Suddenly we are in front of a crank but before the crank can attack us Aris hits it with his baseball bat.
Then we continue running through the abandoned building. Suddenly a cranck jumps on Newt.

''Newt!" I call out and I run to where he's lying on the ground and push the crack off him and help him back up.
''Thanks, Y/N'' he says and we run on. We run through a narrow hallway and try to open all the door.
But everything is locked. We get to the end of the corridor and there is a door but it is also locked.
''It's a dead end!'' shouts Minho. The boys try to open the door by kicking and pushing it.
''I hold them back!'' Shouts Winston as he grabs a gun and starts shooting at the cranks.

Frypan pushes open the door and we run through. Just before Winston can run through the door, a cranck grabs his ankle and pulls him down to the ground.
The cranck tries to pull Winston to him but I quickly grab his hand.

Minho and Thomas hold back the door so the cranks can't get through.
The cranks put their nails into Winston's skin causing large wounds.
Lana comes to help me pull Winston out of the cranks' grip and eventually it works. We help Winston upright and run for the exit.


Our group huddle under a pike of sheltered rubble not far from the mall exit.
I sit next to Newt and try to stay as quiet as possible. I lean my head against Newt's shoulder and fall asleep not much later.

''Hey, hey! Get out of here!'' Thomas shouts causing my eyes to flutter open.

I turn my head and see him shooing away a bird by waving his hands at it. I look around and see that my head is still leaning on Newt's shoulder.

''Are they gone?" asked Newt. ''Yeah, I think we're safe for now.'' replied Thomas as he stood up and looked around. ''We should move on.'' he continued. Everyone got up, took their things and we started to walk. We walked through a devastated city. ''What the hell happened to this place?'' I asked as I looked around. ''I don't know'' replied Newt who was walking beside me. ''It doesn't look like someone's been here in a long time''

''I hope the whole world isn't like this,'' Aris said. ''I actually think it's cool'' said Lana walking beside Thomas.
Our group looked at her like she was crazy. ''What?" she asked causing me to giggle silently.

''Hang on, stop'' said Thomas suddenly.
''Do you hear that?'' I looked around and then I heard it. A helicopter.
''Everybody hide, hide'' he called out in panic. We hid under a piece of broken stone.
''They're never going to stop looking for us, are they?" asked Minho as helicopters flew overhead.

We walked on until we reached the top of a hill. ''There are the mountains, that's where we're going,'' Thomas said as he pointed to the mountains in the distance.
''That's a long way of'' said Newt standing next to me.
''We'd better keep going then,'' I said.
Just before we could leave, Winston fell to the ground. ''Winston!" cried Thomas as our group knelt down beside Winston. ''What are we going to do?'' asked Teresa. We quickly made something we could pull Winston on with.

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