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''Doc she's infected, there's nothing we can do for her'' Vince tells a woman with brown long hair. ''No, but they can'' the woman looks at me and Thomas with a smile. ''Hello Thomas and Y/N'' I look at her confused. ''Wait you know us?" asks Thomas. ''Interressant, logical they put you in the maze'' she says as she checks Brenda's heartbeat. ''I was worried they killed you guys after what you did'' 

''After what we did?" I ask the woman.
''Y/N, about 4 years ago you told me you wanted to stop WICKED, but you needed help. So you asked me to make a group against WICKED. It took about a year to establish the Right Arm. The last time we spoke you told me you thought WICKED knew of your plans and that you were in danger. After that you had disappeared, we thought they had caught you and done something terrible.'' says the woman. 

''And Thomas, the first time we spoke you told me you couldn't take it anymore, watching your friends die one by one. And the last time we spoke you gave me the coordinates of every WICKED compound, trail and lab.'' ''They were our source'' says Vince ''We couldn't have done this without them'' says the woman. 

''Take her to the tent'' two men carry Brenda and take her to a tent.
''Thomas, Y/N, come with me'' the woman leads us to a tent and lets us in.
In the tent is a bed where Brenda is lying on, Jorge is sitting next to her on a chair. Mary, the woman takes a little of mine and Thomas's blood and turns it into a serum. She gives a whole explanation of how it started with the flare and what is different about imunes.

As she injects the serum into Brenda's arm, Brenda's breathing becomes calm again. ''How long is that going to give her?'' I ask. ''It's different for everyone. Maybe a few months. But that's the catch, isn't it?" replies Mary. She leads Jorge outside.
''You guys know she can't come with us, right?'' asks Mary and she walks out of the tent. ''I'm going to go to the others'' I tell, Thomas nods and I step outside from the tent.

When I step out of the tent, Jorge gives me a hug. ''It's going to be okay, you know,'' I tell him. Then I step over to where Lana, Aris, Sonja and Harriet are sitting.
''Hey'' I say and sit down next to Lana and Harriet. ''I really missed this'' says Aris. ''Yeah, me too'' replies Sonja.
''Remember when Lana was drunk and she thought she could fly?'' I ask with a smile. ''Hey, that didn't happen'' says Lana.
''Then how do you explain that scar on your leg?" laughs Harriet. 

''Or do you remember when Aris was just there and threw rocks at us'' laughs Sonja ''Yes, and then Rachel was the only one who could calm me down'' says Aris. ''Hey Aris!" shouts Frypan from the hill where the gladers are sitting. ''Hey guys'' calls Aris back. 

''Why don't we sit with the boys,'' I suggest. ''That's good for me, then I can get to know them better'' replies Harriet.
We go to the gladers. ''Hey, can we come and sit here?" I ask them.
''Yeah, that's okay'' replies Newt.
I sit down next to him and the others settle down too.

We talk to the boys for a bit until we see something flying in the sky further on. ''Guys, do you know what that is'' asks Minho. ''It looks a bit like a mountain'' replies Frypan. ''Oh, shit'' I say.
We all quickly get up and walk to camp. Once we get there, explosives go off in several places in the camp.

Tents are on fire. Out of the hellicopters come WICKED soldiers and start shooting. This is going to be a fierce night.

✨659 Words

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