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''Talk! You son of a bitch!'' Jorge slaps Marcus in the face.
I sit between Lana and Newt on a seat with the rest of the group.
I see Thomas standing up slowly, he was unconscious for a while because of the drink he had been drinking.
''I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave my house,'' Marcus says

''Looks like you had a lot of fun,'' Newt says to Thomas as he moves closer to us.
''Listen, I don't enjoy hurting you, Marcus'' says Jorge to the beaten-up man.
''Where's the right arm?"
''Wait this is Marcus?" asks Thomas confused.

''That kid caught on quickly. Are you the brains of the plan?" laughs Marcus.
''I know you know where the right arm is hiding. So you tell me and I'll make a deal.'' Jorge says.
''I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I make me own deal.'' Marcus laughs, again ''You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity''

''What is he talking about'' I ask
''I'm talking about supplie and demand.'' WICKED wants all the immunes they can get. So I take care of that for them. I gotta get all the kids in, they get drunk, they have a good time. And then WICKED comes in and chokes the weeds off the shaft.'' Marcus explains.

''I changed my mind, hermano. I enjoy hurting you.'' Jorge stomped Marcus over along with the chair he was found attached to. He takes his gun out of his pocket and shows it to Marcus' head. ''Talk! Talk!'' ''Okay, Okay jesus.'' Jorge straightens Marcus's chair again. ''I'm not going to make any promises. These guys like to move around. They have an out post in the mountains. It's a long way. You're going to have WICKED behind your hole. You're not going to make it,'' Marcus laughs.

''Not on foot,'' Jorge says, a smirk on his face. ''Where is Bertha?'' ''Not Bertha''


Bertha turned out to be Marcus' car. With which we are now driving through the sand on our way to the mountains.
After driving for a while we stop.
Jorge gets out and I follow his action.
In front of us is a tunnel blocked by other cars.

''Il guess we're on foot now,'' Jorge announced. We walk among the broken down cars. Newt walks beside me. ''Something isn't right here'' I tell him. Suddenly out of nowhere shooting noises are heard. ''Get down!'' shouts Lana.
Newt grabs my hand and pulls me behind a car.

''Is everyone okay out there?" asks Thomas when the shooting is over.
''We're fine'' replies Teresa.
''Does anyone know where these bloody shots came from?" asks Newt, as he tightens his grip on my hand. ''Everyone get ready to jump back to the truck. And keep your ears closed.'' shouts Jorge.
I look at Newt with a questioning look which he returns.

'Drop it!" commands a female voice. ''I said drop it!'' ''Stand up'' commands another voice. ''You three there too'' the girl with the black hair commands. Everyone in our group now stands together. The girls are still pointing their guns at us.
''Y/N, Lana, Aris?" the girl with the black hair shows her face. ''Harriet?!" say Lana, Aris and I at the same time.
We all hug her at the same time.
Then the other girl shows her face.
''Sonja?" says Aris happily. She quickly joins the group hug. ''You guys are lucky we didn't shoot you, dumbasses.'' Says Sonja.

''Uhh, what's happening?" asks Minho confused. ''We were in the maze too together'' replies Aris. We all have smiles on our faces. Except the gladers, they just look confused. ''We're clear guys! Come out now!" shouts Harriet. From behind the hills, people appear.

''Oh my god, your life'' says Sonja happily. ''We're taking theme to base'' says Harriet to a man as she leads us to the cars.
''How did you guys get here?'' I ask the girls. ''The right arm got us out'' replies Harriet. ''Wait. The Right arm, you know where they are?" asks Thomas. Harriet opens the door of the car. ''hop in''

Harriet and Sonja drive to where the base of the Right arm is. Once we arrive we see tents and people walking around and doing their thing. ''They are already planning this in a year now. This is all for us'' Harriet tells us. ''You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We leave tomorrow at first light'' Sonja explains. ''Where is Vince?'' she asks a man, pointing to a tent a little further down the road. ''Who is Vince? '' asks Thomas. ''He is the one who decides if you can stay'' replies Harriet.

''I thought the Right arm was supposed to be an army'' says Minho.
''Yes, we were. This is all that's left of us. Many good people died'' answers a man around Jorge's age. ''Who are they'' he points to our group. ''They are immunes, we caught theme comming up the mountains.'' replies Harriet. ''Have you checked them?'' ''I know this guy Aris and these girls Lana and Y/N.'' She points to us ''I trust them''

''Well, I don't. Check them out'' orders Vince. ''Hey, Boss'' a man points to Brenda. Suddenly she falls to the ground. ''Brenda, Brenda?!" cries Jorge and kneels down beside her. ''What's wrong with her?" asks Vince. He removes a bandage from around her ankle, showing a crank bite there. Vince jumps up a takes his rifle. ''We have a crank'' he points his rifle at Brenda.

''NO!" shouts everyone in our group at the same time. Me and Thomas jump in front of her body to protect her.
''It just happened. She's not dangerous yet '' shouts Thomas.
''Thomas, you knew about this!'' I ask him a little angry. ''And you didn't tell me this''
''I know'' he replies. ''We let cranks in here now, Safe Heaven doesn't last a week. Step aside!" says Vince. ''There must be something we can do'' I ask.
''I can put her out of her suffering'' he replies. ''Vince, that's enough'' shouts a female voice.

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