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We are now hanging upside down over a deep hole. ''Great, Thomas. Listen to what the man has to say. Really working out this us,'' says Minho sarcastically.
''Shut up, Minho.'' replies Thomas irritably. ''Maybe I can grab the rope'' says Thomas as he tries to grab the rope around his feet. ''And then what are you going to do when you grab the rope, untie it? That's not really going to help either ,huh. Unless you want to fall into that pit below us'' I say as he tries to get to the rope.
''At least I'm trying something'' he defends. 

''Enjoying the view?" asks Jorge as he steps through the door.
''Yeah, Pretty Right?'' I reply sarcastically. ''What the hell do you want?" asks Thomas him. ''That's the question. My men want to sell you back to WICKED. Life has taught them to think small.'' replies Jorge.
''I'm not like that, and something tells me you're not either'' he continues.
''Is the blood rushing to my head or is the shank not making any sense?" asks Minho with sass in his voice.
''It's the shank'' I reply even though I don't know what a shank is.

''Tell what you know about the right arm'' says Jorge as he points his cane at Thomas. ''You mean the ghosts'' Newt says.
''I happen to believe in ghosts. Especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves'' he replies as he steps toward the trade. ''You tell me what you know and maybe I'll make a deal'' he says.

''We don't know much'' replies Thomas. Jorge pulls the lever and we fall down a little. ''OH, shit'' I yell.
''Okay, okay! They're hiding in the mountains. They attacked WICKED and got a bunch of kids out. That's all we know'' says Thomas in a panic.
''Hey, Jorge what's going on?" asks one of Jorge's men. ''Me and my new friends are getting to know each other a bit. We're donne now'' answers Jorge with a smirk on his face.


''Hey, I think I know how we can escape,'' I say as an idea comes to mind.
''Then what's your idea?" ask Thomas and Lana at the same time.
''Someone should push Teresa to the lever. Then she should pull the handle down so she can free herself and then help us.'' I answer confidently.
''Why me!" asks Teresa. ''Because  you are closest to the lever, duh'' replies Lana as she rolls her eyes. ''Okay, then who's going to push her?'' asks Thomas as he looks at the group. ''Okay, I'll do it'' says Minho.

After several tries, my plan succeeded. Teresa quickly untangles us. Suddenly we hear a voice speaking through a megaphone. Janson's voice.
Once we are loose we start walking toward the exit. A grown man missing teeth stops us and points a gun at us.
''We don't want to cause trouble. We just want to get out of here,'" Thomas says as he slowly raises his hands in the air.
''Janson, I've got them. I'm bringing them down. Don't shoot us,'' the man says to a walky-talky with a smirk on his face.
''Come on let's go!" the man says ''I said let's go!!!'' he shouts as no one follows and points his weapon at Thomas's chest.

Before the man can shoot Thomas in the chest, Lana pushes his hand aside with the gun. She tries to grab the man's gun but he pushes her back to the group and points his gun at her chest.
''You little bastard!!!'' he shouts as he walks up to her. A gunshot can be heard in the room. I look at Lana and see that she is okay. Suddenly the man falls to the ground and behind him stands Brenda with her gun pointing to where the man was standing.

''Okay, come on'' Brenda points her weapon to the ground and nods toward the doorway. ''Come on let's go'' she calls and the group runs behind her.
I suddenly hear a song playing through the speakers and look around me for a moment.

''Brenda, hurry up we don't have much time'' Jorge walks over to us and hands Brenda a backpack.
''Right this way'' Jorge opens a window with a zipline attached that leads to the building across the street. ''Oh, you gotta be kidding me'' Fry says as he looks at the zipline in shock. ''You kids want to go to the right arm, I'll lead you to them. But you guys owe me'" says Jorge ''Follow me!" he grabs a rope and goes off the zipline.
I quickly grab a rope firmly and go off the zipline too. ''Whoohoo!'' The wind blows around me and for a second I forget everything around me.

Jorge helps me up when I reach the end of the zipline. ''That was fantastic!" I tell him.
''I like you'' Jorge points at me with a smile on his face.
''Watch out!!!'' I hear Minho call out. Just too late I step aside and he bumps into me. We fall to the ground and Minho falls on me. ''Get off me, idiot'' I say to him.
''You're the one who didn't move aside''He answers and moves away from me.

Quickly the rest of the group also comes down the zipline only Brenda, Thomas and Lana haven't arrived yet.
''Where are they?" I ask worriedly.
Newt steps over to me and places his hand on my shoulder. ''They're still going to come,'' He assures. A loud bang is heard from inside the building and I see it explode. ''oh. No, no,no'' I mutter in concern for my best friend. 

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