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''Hey guys, guys'' I hear Thomas's voice say. I snap my eyes open and turn over to face the boy as he rises tot his feet, hengelt shaking everyone awake.
It's still dark out.
''Newt, wake up'' I whisper.
He opens his eyes and slowly stands up straight.
''What's happening?" he asks. ''Look it's lights'' says Thomas as he points into the distance.
When I look at where he points I see lights on, not that far from where we are standing. 

Suddenly we hear a bang behind us. I look to where the bang came from and see a bolt of lightning strike the ground.
''We have to go, now,'' I say as I pick up my backpack. We start running toward the lights in the distance.
Just before I can enter the building a lightning bolt strikes next to me sending me flying through the air. As I fall to the ground I hear a ringing in my ears.
I look around and see Minho's body lying on the ground.

I slowly get up and walk to him as fast as I can. ''Somebody help me!" I call out to the boys who are now standing at the entrance of the building. Thomas and Newt run to where I am standing, and lift Minho up.
We quickly run inside and lay Minho on the ground.

Minho lies unconscious on the ground. ''Come on, Minho'' shouts Thomas as he shakes Minho's body. After a while, Minho slowly opens his eyes.
''What happened?" he asked to which Thomas replied with ''You just got hit by lightning''
''oh'' is the only thing Minho says causing me to chuckle silently.

We help Minho up and Teresa shines around with her flashlight.
"What's that smell?" asks Teresa. Suddenly a crank appears and tries to grab her. Teresa quickly jumps back to the group. More cranks emerge.

I grab someone's hand as I look up to see whose hand I am holding and see Newt. He makes his grip on my hand.
"I see you have met our guard dogs" says a voice. as I look to where the voice came from I see a girl a little older than me standing in the doorway.

She walks toward us, the cranks trying to grab her but failing because of the chains they were attached to.
"You guys look like shit" the girl says as she stands in front of our group.
"Follow me" she says but no one follows. "Unless you guys want to stay with them" she continues.

"Should we follow her though?" asks Minho. "Why not, she looks cool" I say as I follow her. The rest of the group follows after me.
"Keep on, Jorge wants to meet you" says the girl as she leads us through the building.
"Who is Jorge?" asks Thomas.
"No one came out of the scorch in a long time. You just got him curious, and me too" answers the girl.
Men start following us which seems suspicious to me.

"Jorge, they are here" said the girl to an older man who was working on a radio. "shhh" says the man as he listens to the radio.
"Do you ever get the feeling that the whole world is against you?" asks the man. "Sometimes yes" I whisper but I'm pretty sure he heard me.
"Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? And how can I profit?" asks the man as he fills a glass with water.
"Not all at once" he says as no one answers.

"We're looking for the right arm" Thomas replies. Everyone in the room begins to laugh.
"You're looking for ghosts you mean" he says as he takes a sip of his water.
"Question number two, where did you come from?" he continues.
"That's our business" replies Minho. Suddenly the men grab us and the girl stands up as she grabs something.

"Get off me!" shouts Thomas.
"Shut up you big baby" says the girl as she scans his neck with the little machine in her hands.
"You were right" she says as she shows the little machine to Jorge.
"You're taged, you came from Wicked. Which means you're very valuable." says de man.

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