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The wind was blowing hard and the sand was flying around.
''We need to find shelter!" shouted Thomas. After a while we found a hiding place. ''How does it look?" asked Newt to Thomas who stood a little further talking to Teresa.

''Just a little further.'' replied Thomas.
Newt looks at the group and says ''That's not very convincing.''
Suddenly Winston wakes up, he grabs a gun and tries to shoot himself with it but fails. Frypan quickly takes the gun from him. Thomas and Teresa quickly run to our group.
''What happened?" asked Teresa worriedly.

''I don't know, he just woke up grabbed the gun and tried to ...'' Fry replied without finishing his sentence.
Suddenly Winston spat out blood and lay back down on his back.
''It's growing'' Winston said as he lifted his t-shirt. The wounds the crack had made now looked purple and his veins were a kind of black color.
''I'm not going to make it'' he continued.

''Please, please, don't let me become one of these things,'' he said as he held out his hand for the gun.
Newt took the gun from Frypan and knelt down next to Winston.
He handed the gun to Winston, to which Winston responded with ''Thank you, now get out of here''

''Goodbye Winston'' said Newt as he stood up. The group started to walk away but I knelt down next to Winston.
''You are really brave. Do you know that?'' I said and then stood up.
''Hey Y/N, take care of them'' he said. I nodded and followed the others.
When we were further away from Winston we heard a gun being fired.
Winston was dead.


When night fell, our group found Shelter near a destroyed ship. We made a small campfire and all sat around it.
''I thought we were supposed to be imune'' Minho said as he averaged with a knife in his hands.
''Not all of us ... I guess'' replied Teresa.
''If Winston can be infected then we have to assume the rest of us can'' said Newt.
''I thought I'd never say it, I miss the glade'' said Frypan a tear rolled down his cheek.
After a while, our group fell asleep.


I woke up after having a nightmare and started crying silently.
It was still dark outside and the rest of the group was still sleeping.
I stood up and walked a little further from the group so I wouldn't wake them up with my sobs.
I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Newt standing there.
''Do you mind if I sit here?" he asks as he points to the spot next to me.

''no, not at all'' i reply and he sat down next to me. ''may i ask what's wrong'' asks newt as he looks into my eyes.
''nightmare'' i replied as i played with my ring in my hands.

''What's that?" asked Newt as he pointed to the ring in my hands.
''A ring, Rachel gave it to me.'' I answer with tears in my eyes.
''Who was she?" he asked as he looked into my eyes. He had beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
''She was like a sister to me. Just before we were 'rescued' from the maze by the guards Beth one of the girl shot her in the chest. Before she died she gave it to me.'' I answer him.

''At our glade there was this boy, Chuck was his name. He was the youngest of all of us. The same thing happened to him. He saved Tommy's life'' said Newt.
''Go get some more sleep. You're going to need it,'' said Newt as he stood up and helped me straighten up.
We stepped back to the others and went back to sleep.

Subject  B12  The survivorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin